Centre for Climate Science and Engineering Lecture Series
Climate Change from the Trenches: Adaptation and Mitigation in the Electricity Sector
Speaker: Dr. Kurt C. Kornelsen from Ontario Power Generation
When: Monday, December 11, 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (EST).
Where: Online Zoom Webinar
For detailed event information and free registration, click here
Dr. Kurt C. Kornelsen from Ontario Power Generation presents “Climate Change from the Trenches: Adaptation and Mitigation in the Electricity Sector“
- 5:00 – 5:10 pm – Attendee arrival
- 5:10 – 5:50 pm – Presentation
- 5:50 – 6:00 pm – Q&A
Presentation Abstract:
The electricity system plays a pivotal role in contemporary society, acting as the nexus where economic, environmental, and social dynamics intersect. These facets of the electricity system are all undergoing a paradigm shift with the need to adapt and mitigate climate change increasingly apparent. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has been working with partners in other utilities, government, research institutions and academia to understand and adapt to climate change for over a decade. This lecture will provide an introduction to the Ontario electricity system, critical components of its operation and the social, economic and environmental drivers that influence the system. Case studies will be used to demonstrate the integration of climate change into the planning and design processes for both chronic and acute impacts of climate change, with a focus on hydropower assets. These studies and experiments integrate ensembles of climate simulations, hydrological, electricity production, financial and dam safety models generating insights into adaptations require to prepare for climate change, mitigate extreme events and avoid maladaptation. The research shows that careful attention must be paid to the dependency between the climate and systems models and considerations made to the interactions between climate change and financial processes to result in robust decision making. To successfully address the challenges posed by climate change, greater alignment is needed between research and practitioner communities, as well as substantial increases in climate literacy amongst professionals within and entering the workforce.
Speaker Bio:
Kurt C. Kornelsen is the Director of Environment and Climate Change at Ontario Power Generation and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at McMaster University’s School of Earth, Environment and Society, from which he received his doctorate. He has conducted research and published numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, reports and industry guidance on topics ranging from climate change and hydrology to machine learning applications. He supervises a team of engineers and energy professionals responsible for developing and advancing OPG’s multi-facetted Climate Change Plan and co-chairs the CSA Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation of Dams. His experience crosses research, operations and regulatory processes, including serving as a member of the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board, participating in various capacities with the International Joint Commission’s Great Lakes boards and committees, and advancing OPG’s water resources and hydrology program in his previous role as the Senior Manager of Water Resources.
Contact: kurt.kornelsen@opg.com
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/uoft-centre-for-climate-science-and-engineering-lecture-series-dec-2023-tickets-768484697417