Oya Mercan
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering
Email: oya.mercan@utoronto.ca
Office: GB331
Tel: 416-978-5971
Seismic Resilience
Oya Mercan is advancing hybrid simulation techniques that combine numerical models and experimental specimens using computer technology to determine how buildings will respond to seismic activity. The programming of the computational/control platform used to conduct experiments, which allows engineers to manipulate code, was developed in-house. Experimenting with a myriad of algorithms rather than being limited to predetermined programs, the research group has developed an integrated simulation framework that can seamlessly integrate numerical models in several analysis platforms and experimental specimens in geographically distributed laboratories.
Multiple tests conducted across several laboratories worldwide is helping to develop technology that more accurately and efficiently predicts structural behaviour during extreme seismic events. Through this integrated simulation framework, a regional scale simulation will be possible which will help evaluate the resilience of urban infrastructure.
- NEES Research Scientist at ATLSS Research Center, Lehigh University (February 2006 – June 2008)
- Post-Doctoral Researcher / Adjunct Faculty, Lehigh University (August 2007 – June 2008)
- Assistant Professor, University of Alberta (August 2008- August 2010)
Citation | Type | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., “Experimental Studies on Real-time Pseudodynamic (PSD) and Hybrid PSD Testing of Structures with Elastomeric Dampers” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2009: Vol. 135, No. 9: 1124-1133. | Refereed Journal Publications | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., Sause R., Marullo T.M., “Kinematic Error Correction for Planar Multi-directional Pseudodynamic Testing” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2009; Vol. 38: 1093-1119. | Refereed Journal Publications | ||
Chen C, Ricles J.M., Marullo T.M. and Mercan O. ,“Real-Time Hybrid Testing using the Unconditionally Stable Explicit CR Integration Algorithm” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2009; Vol. 38:23–44. | Refereed Journal Publications | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., “Stability Analysis for Real-time Pseudodynamic and Hybrid Pseudodynamic Testing with Multiple Sources of Delay” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2008; Vol. 37:1269–1293. | Refereed Journal Publications | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., Sause R., Marullo T.M., “Real-Time Large-Scale Hybrid Testbed for Seismic Performance Evaluation of Smart Structures” Smart Structures and Systems, 2008, Vol. 4, No. 5: 667-684. | Refereed Journal Publications | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., “Stability and Accuracy Analysis of Outer Loop Dynamics in Real-time Pseudodynamic Testing of SDOF Systems” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2007; Vol. 36: 1523-1543. | Refereed Journal Publications | ||
Moosavi S.H. and Mercan O. , “Nonlinear State-Space Control Design for Displacement-based Real-time Testing of Structural Systems” submitted to 2011 American Control Conference, San Francisco, California, USA June 29 - July 1, 2011. | Other Refereed Contributions | ||
Moosavi S.H. and Mercan O. , “Modifications of Integration Algorithms to Account for Load Discontinuity in Pseudodynamic Testing” 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 25-29, 2010, Toronto, ON, Canada, peer-reviewed. | Other Refereed Contributions | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., “NEES @ Lehigh: Real-time Hybrid Pseudodynamic Testing of Large-scale Structures” Hybrid Simulation: Theory, Implementation and Applications, Chapter 10, Taylor & Francis/ Balkema, published, 2008, 99-109, peer-reviewed. | Other Refereed Contributions | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., Sause R., “Implementation of Real-time Hybrid Pseudodynamic Test Method for Evaluating Seismic Hazard Mitigation Measures” SEI 2007 Structures Conference, May 16-20, 2007, peer-reviewed. | Other Refereed Contributions | ||
Mercan O. , Zhang X.P., Ricles J.M., “State-Space Control Design for Real-Time Pseudodynamic Testing Applications” EERI 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference, April 18-22, 2006, San Francisco, CA, peer-reviewed. | Other Refereed Contributions | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., “A New Real-Time Pseudodynamic Testing Algorithm” 6th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, October 6-8, 2004, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, peer-reviewed. | Other Refereed Contributions | ||
Hessabi R.M. and Mercan O. , “Phase and Amplitude Indices (PAEI) to Assess the Success of Displacement Based Real-time Testing” Proceedings of the 2010 Combined ASCE Structures Congress/AISC (NASCC) Conference, May 12-14, 2010, Orlando, FL. | Non-refereed Contributions | ||
Ricles J. M., Mercan O. , Sause R., Marullo T.M.,” Large-Scale Real-Time Hybrid Testbed for Seismic Performance of Smart Structures” US-Korea Workshop 2006: Smart Structures Technology for Steel Structures, November 16-17, 2006, Seoul, Korea. | Non-refereed Contributions | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., Marullo T.M., “Real-time pseudodynamic testing of steel structures equipped with passive dampers” STESSA 5th International Conference, August 14-17, 2006, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan. | Non-refereed Contributions | ||
Valencia G., Mercan O. , Marullo T.M., Ricles J.M., “User’s Guide for Hybrid-Viz: A Visualization Tool for Real-time Hybrid Testing” ATLSS Engineering Research Center Report No. 06-20, September 2006, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. | Non-refereed Contributions | ||
Zhang X.P., Ricles J.M., Mercan O. , Chen C., “Servo Hydraulic System Identification for the NEES Real-Time Multi-Directional Earthquake Simulation Facility” ATLSS Engineering Research Center Report No. 05-14, 2005, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. | Non-refereed Contributions | ||
Mercan O. , Ricles J.M., “Evaluation of Real-Time Pseudodynamic Testing Algorithms for Seismic Testing of Structural Assemblages” ATLSS Engineering Research Center Report No. 05-06, April 2005, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. | Non-refereed Contributions |
Ali Ashasi Sorkhabi (PhD Student)
Structural Engineering
University of Toronto
333-35 St. George St.
Toronto, ON M5S 1A4
T: (416) 978-5964
Email: ali.ashasisorkhabi@utoronto.ca
- MSc. Earth-quake Engineering, Iran University of Science and Industry, Tehran, Iran, 2003-2006
- BSc. Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1999-2003
Hadi Malekghasemi (MASc Student)
University of Toronto
333-35 St. George St.
Toronto, ON M5S 1A4
Phone: (416) 978-5964
Email: hadi.malekghasemi@utoronto.ca
- BSc. (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran)
Research Interest: "Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD)"