Posts By: Dept. of Civil + Mineral Engineering
As a Civil Engineering student in the late ‘70s, Arun Channan’s involvement ran the gamut from the Brute Force Committee and the Engineering Society, to the Concrete Canoe Competition, Cannon […]
Small and large changes at iconic places on the St. George Campus This past summer, a pedestrian-only zone was put in place to increase the accessibility and safety around Convocation […]
U of T Completes Groundbreaking Experiment on Shear Resistance Supervised by Professors Evan Bentz and Michael Collins, master’s student Phil Quach (CivE 1T2, MASc 1T5) headed new groundbreaking experiment in […]
Prof. Jeff Siegel studies particle pollution in landmark indoor air quality study Prof. Jeffrey Siegel likens engineers to “people who practice medicine without licenses,” and his research on particle pollution highlights the […]
It’s all about limiting the effects of combustion and creating ventilation! Avoid burning candles indoors. You may love the smell of your scented candles, but combustion creates particles that compromise your health. Always cook in well-ventilated areas. […]
Norbert Morgenstern (CivE 5T6) Canadian Academy of Engineering Honorary Fellow Morgenstern has led a distinguished career in Geotechnical engineering. A distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Alberta, he is a member of […]
A fourth-place finish qualifies her for the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro Donna Vakalis, a PhD candidate studying the impact of indoor building environments on public health and productivity, competed […]
Emil Frind (CivE 6T6, MASc 6T7, PhD 7T1) Engineering Alumni Hall of Distinction Award Given to alumni, selected by their peers, for lifelong achievement Emil Frind’s background in engineering combined […]
The classrooms of the 21st century Even with a charismatic and engaging instructor, students’ attention and attendance in lectures can wane as the term progresses. In the social media age, learning environments […]
This story originally appeared on U of T Engineering News. U of T Engineering startup Kinetica is reaching new heights at home and abroad. The company, which designs technology that makes buildings more resistant to […]
Showing 161 - 170 of 183 results