DIDI Graduate Student Awards

The Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering has received two scholarships from DiDi, a Chinese ride-sharingartificial intelligence, and autonomous technology conglomerate. These scholarships reflect a new partnership between DiDi and the University of Toronto. Each scholarship is in the amount of $10,000.

Based on DiDi’s interests, the research areas that should be eligible for these awards are as follows: Transportation Engineering, Autonomous Traffic, Traffic Emissions.


The applicant must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or on a student permit and currently enrolled in a thesis-based graduate program (MASc or PhD) in the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto. The applicant should not hold another major scholarship award. To confirm eligibility, feel free to contact Prof. Marianne Hatzopoulou, Associate Chair for Graduate Studies.



Selection Process

A successful applicant will be chosen on the basis of academic standing (50%) and research potential (50%).

Applicants should submit a one-page research proposal and an up to date CV (as a single pdf file). The proposal must clearly define how the research meets ONE of the three scholarship focus areas: Transportation Engineering, Autonomous Traffic, or Traffic Emissions. The application package will be reviewed by the Graduate Awards Committee, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering. Academic standing will be evaluated on the basis of undergraduate and graduate grades (accessible directly to the committee).


Due by Friday April 5, 2019 5pm

Submit by email to CIV Graduate Programs civ.gradprograms@utoronto.ca with a cc to marianne.hatzopoulou@utoronto.ca.