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Distinguished Lecture by Michael Wegener

The Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series Presents Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wegener  Spiekermann & Wegener - Germany Integrated modelling of land use and transport Thursday, November 25 at 1 p.m.ET  REGISTER HERE (a Zoom link will be emailed the morning of the event)     Interest: Land-use transport interaction Abstract: Climate researchers […]

GradSWE x SWE Toronto Holiday Social Event

GradSWE x SWE Toronto Holiday Social Event Event Date and Time: Thursday Dec. 7th from 7-9 PM (arrival at 6 PM optional) Location: Koffler House (KP) Room 208 (569 Spadina Cres.) Sign-up link: GradSWE UofT (Graduate Society of Women Engineers UofT) is a student group of self-identifying women engineer volunteers working to build a supportive and inclusive community for […]

Undergrad Engineering Exams

December 8-20: Undergraduate U of T Engineering exams (the Faculty will hold exams on Saturdays, Sundays and evenings during this period). Exams for courses offered by other Faculties may be held during other periods.