Distinguished Lecturer – Allen Davis
Lecture Title to come Abstract: TBD Allen Davis University of Maryland Register to attend
Lecture Title to come Abstract: TBD Allen Davis University of Maryland Register to attend
Urban Infrastructure Transitions for Sustainable Healthy Cities Abstract: TBD Anu Ramaswami Charles M. Denny, Jr., Chair of Science, Technology, and Public Policy Humphrey School of Public Affairs | University of Minnesota Ramaswami is among the leading scholars on sustainable urban infrastructure and has seen her work adopted as policies and protocols for developing sustainable […]
The Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series Presents Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wegener Spiekermann & Wegener - Germany Integrated modelling of land use and transport Thursday, November 25 at 1 p.m.ET REGISTER HERE (a Zoom link will be emailed the morning of the event) Interest: Land-use transport interaction Abstract: Climate researchers […]
December 6: Last day of undergraduate lectures in the F-term; all term work should be submitted by this date.
December 7: Fall study day.
GradSWE x SWE Toronto Holiday Social Event Event Date and Time: Thursday Dec. 7th from 7-9 PM (arrival at 6 PM optional) Location: Koffler House (KP) Room 208 (569 Spadina Cres.) Sign-up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mZqt0DAxhF4m4sMal4Mdg2Ht1gbYPYoGjRLN8NlSd1Y/viewform?edit_requested=true GradSWE UofT (Graduate Society of Women Engineers UofT) is a student group of self-identifying women engineer volunteers working to build a supportive and inclusive community for […]
December 8-20: Undergraduate U of T Engineering exams (the Faculty will hold exams on Saturdays, Sundays and evenings during this period). Exams for courses offered by other Faculties may be held during other periods.
Centre for Climate Science and Engineering Lecture Series Climate Change from the Trenches: Adaptation and Mitigation in the Electricity Sector Speaker: Dr. Kurt C. Kornelsen from Ontario Power Generation When: Monday, December 11, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (EST). Where: Online Zoom Webinar For detailed event information and free registration, click here www.uoftcse.ca Summary: Dr. Kurt […]
Identifying Performance Gaps in Passive House Retrofit and New Construction Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MASc thesis presentation) Candidate: Junsoo Park Supervisor: Professor Marianne Touchie Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 11 a.m. Location: GB217
Health Benefits, Economic Implications, Logistic Challenges, and Community Engagement Innis Town Hall Theatre, University of Toronto December 14, 2023 | 4:00 p.m. Registration for Electrifying Ontario’s School Bus Fleet is now open to all stakeholders in the fields of transportation, education, health, climate change and more. Join us for an evening of speakers from across academia, industry, and government […]