Md Sami Hasnine (CivMin PhD 1T9)

“I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Khandker Nurul Habib. Professor Habib introduced me to the basics of travel-demand modelling. He also truly cares about his students. He always pushed me to learn more and become a better human being. Graduate studies last for a short period of time, but I will continue to carry the lessons about research and ethics that I learned from Professor Habib with me for my entire life.”
Photo by Roberta Baker
Hasnine’s research is at the intersection of transportation engineering, economics, data science and psychology.
During his graduate studies, he developed behavioural models to research travel-related decisions people make on a day-to-day basis — when to leave and return home, their mode of transportation, their travel destination and the amount of time it takes to get there.
“This modelling has immense importance for the management of transportation demand in a city,” says Hasnine, who has been recognized by peers and institutions throughout his research career at U of T Engineering. He was the president of the U of T chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers for two years, and is the recipient of several scholarships from the University and NSERC, as well as the Transportation Association of Canada, Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers, and the Canadian Transportation Research Forum.
Hasnine says the one word he would use to describe his experience at the Faculty would be “Diversity.”
“I learned that diversity is a strength,” says Hasnine, who is currently working at U of T Engineering as a post-doctoral fellow. “U of T welcomes great researchers from all over the world, which is truly mind-blowing, and the success of the institution is built on this strength.”
This story originally posted on U of T Engineering News