If you have an emergency, call 911 and/or U of T Campus Safety at 416-978-2222
AEDs are located in the halls outside GB134 (near the Business Office) and GB339.
CivMin Joint Health and Safety Committee
CivMin First Aid Personnel in Galbraith Building (with certified training and first aid kits)
- GB/SF Basement
GB19 (Machine Shop) - Alan McClenaghan, a.mcclenaghan@utoronto.ca
SFB510 (Structural Testing Facilities) - Michel Fiss, michel.fiss@utoronto.ca - GB 1st and 2nd Floor
GB105 (Technical Services & Operations Office) - Mel Duhamel, mel.duhamel@utoronto.ca
GB116 (Student Services Office) - Phill Snel, phill.snel@utoronto.ca and Lyndsay Vair, l.vair@utoronto.ca - GB 3rd Floor
GB139J - Olga Perebatova, olga.perebatova@utoronto.ca
GB326 - Karl Peterson, karl.peterson@utoronto.ca - GB 4th Floor
GB420 - Jim Wang, zhen.wang@utoronto.ca
The Health and Safety Notice Board is located in the hall outside GB25.
Scheduled meetings: Sept 6, 2023, Dec 6, 2023, March 6, 2024, June 5, 2024
- Mel Duhamel, management co-chair, mel.duhamel@utoronto.ca
- Alan McClenaghan, worker co-chair, a.mcclenaghan@utoronto.ca
- Ethan Lo, worker member, JHSC Manager, ehs.jhsc@utoronto.ca
- Olga Perebatova, worker member, olga.perebatova@utoronto.ca
- Andrey Shukalyuk, management member - FASE EHS, andrey.shukalyuk@utoronto.ca
- Michel Fiss, worker member, michel.fiss@utoronto.ca
- Jim Wang, management member, zhen.wang@utoronto.ca
- Karl Peterson, management member, karl.peterson@utoronto.ca
For Health and Safety questions please contact: Mel Duhamel, mel.duhamel@utoronto.ca or Alan McClenaghan, a.mcclenaghan@utoronto.ca
This Department maintains a comprehensive Safety management System (on the CivMin Intranet), this is accessible to Staff and Students Only.
Other University Health and Safety resources
U of T Property Management (maintenance, repairs, etc)