Jeffrey Packer
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering
Bahen/Tanenbaum Professor of Civil Engineering
Email: jeffrey.packer@utoronto.ca
Office: GB236
Tel: 416-978-4776
Areas of Specialization:
Steel Structures
Professor Jeffrey Packer is an international authority and leading scholar in the field of tubular steel structures. He has published extensively on this topic, including many books - directed at practicing engineers - that span five languages.
He currently serves on technical committees for the American Institute of Steel Construction, American Welding Society, Canadian Standards Association, International Institute of Welding, Steel Tube Institute, and the International Committee for the Development and Study of Tubular Construction
Research Interests
Experimental (small- to large-scale), numerical (non-linear finite element analysis) and analytical research related to the behaviour and design of steel structures.
Research is oriented towards:
- Tubular structures, connections and joints (welded, bolted, nailed and cast)
- Diverse loading conditions, covering quasi-static, fatigue, impact, blast and seismic
- Varied materials, including cast iron, glass, fibre-reinforced polymer composites, and steel-concrete composites.
Education and Designations
B.E., 1st. Class Honours, Civil Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia
M.Sc., Structural Engineering, University of Manchester, U.K.
Ph.D., Structural Engineering, University of Nottingham, U.K.
D.Sc., Structural Engineering, University of Nottingham, U.K.
- Collaborator - CivMin Seismic Resilience Group
- Affiliate - FASE Centre for Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
- Collaborative research with: Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Karlsruhe Inst. Of Technology (Germany); Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Monash University (Australia), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), National University of Singapore, Insrael Institute of Technology
Accomplishments & News
Member, International Institute of Welding Subcommission XV-E on "Welded Joints in Tubular Structures" ( Chair from 1991 to 2002).
Former Chair, American Society of Civil Engineers "Committee on Tubular Structures"
Member, CIDECT Technical Commission
Member, American Welding Society D1.1 Committees on Design (TG1) and Tubulars (TG7)
Member, American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Specification Committee on Connections (TC6)
Member, AISC Committee on HSS Connections
Associate Member, Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Technical Committee on Limit States Design of Steel Structures (S16)
Associate Member, Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Technical Committee on Welding of Bridges, Buildings, and Machinery (W59)
Member, Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Technical Committee on Offshore Wind Turbines (C61400-3)
Member, Canadian Council of the International Institute of Welding
Member, Steel Tube Institute HSS Committee Board
Member, Editorial Board of "Journal of Constructional Steel Research"
Member, Editorial Board of "Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering" Journal
Member, Editorial Board of "Structures" Journal
Former Associate Editor, ASCE "Journal of Structural Engineering" (1992-1995)
Former Associate Editor, "Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering" (1998-2002)
Former Member, Editorial Board of “Engineering Structures" Journal (2003-2008)
Former Member, Editorial Panel of ICE “Structures and Buildings” Journal (2004-2010)
Former Member, Board of Directors, International Institute of Welding (2004-2007)
Member, Board of Directors, International Association of Protective Structures
Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers (U.K.)
Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers
Fellow, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
Member, American Institute of Steel Construction
Member, Australian Steel Institute
Member, Professional Engineers of Ontario (P.Eng.)
External Reviewer of Department of Civil Engineering Graduate Program, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, Kuwait (2015)
International Committee for the Evaluation of the Civil Engineering Discipline of Tongji University, Shanghai, China (2011)
Israel Council for Higher Education Committee for the Evaluation of Civil Engineering Studies in Israel (2011)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Research Grants Evaluation Committee for Civil, Industrial and Systems Engineering (2009-2013)
Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (2016)
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (2012)
Shortridge Hardesty Award (American Society of Civil Engineers, 2012)
Sir Casimir Gzowski Medal (Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 2011)
Engineering Medal for Research and Development (Ontario Professional Engineers, 2010)
H.A. Krentz Award (Steel Structures Education Foundation, 2010)
Excellence in Innovation in Civil Engineering Award (Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 2009)
Bahen/Tanenbaum Endowed Chair (University of Toronto, 2009)
Houdremont Lecture Award (International Institute of Welding, 2006)
Doctor of Science (University of Nottingham, U.K., 2006)
H.A. Krentz Award (Steel Structures Education Foundation, 2005)
American Institute of Steel Construction Special Achievement Award (2005)
Kurobane Prize for Tubular Structures (International Institute of Welding, 2003)
In July 2014 Matthew McFadden (M.A.Sc. 2012) was awarded the Henry Granjon Prize (for a technical paper by a young welding engineer) by the International Institute of Welding (IIW) at their Annual Assembly in Seoul, Korea. Matthew's paper, "Weld Effective Lengths of Rectangular Hollow Section T-Connections under Branch Bending", was a result of experimental welding research within the Tube Group at UofT.
Above: Matt McFadden (right) receiving the IIW "Henry Granjon Prize", July 13, 2014.
A topical paper on the subject of steel wind turbine towers, co-authored with Elena Nuta (M.A.Sc. 2010) and Prof. Constantin Christopoulos, and published in 2011 in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, received the “Sir Casimir Gzowski Medal” best-paper award from the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE).
In 2012 Prof. Packer was awarded the “Shortridge Hardesty Award” by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for his … “outstanding body of influential and practical work in the field of structural stability”. Also in 2012 he was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE).
Above: Pictured (third from left) receiving the ASCE “Shortridge Hardesty Award” from the ASCE President, March 29, 2012.
Above: Pictured receiving Fellowship by the President of the CAE during their Annual General Meeting, June 21, 2012.
Above: Flying the flag at U of T's "desert campus."
In 2011 Professors Packer, Christopoulos and Collins inaugurated a new multi-disciplinary “Centre for Resilience of Critical Infrastructure” (CRCI) within our Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, and this is centred – both intellectually and physically – within our Department of Civil Engineering. Although initially proposed in late 2010, the CRCI took flight in mid-2011 with start-up funding (over 2011–2014) from the “Dean’s Strategic Fund”. The mission of this Centre is three-fold: (i) Education (delivering new degree-program courses, delivering professional development courses, and providing professional internship opportunities to students); (ii) Research, in three thrust areas (structural resilience, infrastructure networks and systems resilience, and control systems); (iii) Public discourse and outreach on general societal infrastructure and security issues. The latter is achieved by professional meetings, known as the “Sandford Fleming Forums”, with specially-selected prominent speakers on specific themes, every few months. To date, 11 such evening meetings have been convened on campus, attracting international visitors and increasing interest, with attendance now reaching about 100. Further details about the CRCI can be found at this web address: crci.utoronto.ca
Above: Dis-assembly of one blast experiment, or "target".
At the inaugural Sandford Fleming Forum in September 2011 we were able to announce the establishment of the “Explora Research Program into Protection against the Effects of Energetic Loadings”, following a $1.25M donation from the Explora Foundation towards blast and impact loading studies. A series of UofT students have been interning at Explora Security Ltd. in London, U.K. and very much enjoying the opportunities that the CRCI international collaboration has presented.
Above: Former U of T student Martin Walker beside his grossly deformed steel wall.
The relationship with Explora has also involved developing a field blast-testing research program for the CRCI, utilizing Explora’s knowledge, experience and contacts in this area. In July 2012 we undertook our first field blast experimentation at a test site in the Middle East and students from our Department were involved in experiment design and instrumentation, as well as set-up and take-down on site, followed by data analysis. The second series of field blast tests took place in May-June 2013. Most recently (July 2015) the blast testing venue moved to RAF Spadeadam in the U.K.
Professor Jeff Packer was the 2010 recipient of the "Engineering Medal for Research and Development" from Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) and the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE). This was presented at the Ontario Professional Engineers Awards Gala on November 20, 2010.
Tarana Haque, undertaking her M.A.Sc. degree under the supervision of Professor Jeff Packer, received First Prize in the "CIDECT President's Student Research Award" competition, during the 13th. International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS13) held in Hong Kong in December 2010. She received this for her paper and conference presentation on "Experimental Behaviour of Elliptical Hollow Section Welded X- and T-Joints" from the conference sponsor Comité International pour le Développement et L'Étude de la Construction Tubulaire (CIDECT).
Tarana was one of several finalists, judged on the written submission, to be invited (with all expenses paid) to the conference. The winner is then determined by secret written ballots of all conference attendees after the oral presentations in the "Student Award" session. In addition to the paid trip the prize consists of a certificate and monetary award. Since the inauguration of this student competition in 2001 it has been won on 4 of the 5 occasions by University of Toronto students: Silke Willibald, at ISTS9, Düsseldorf, Germany, in 2001; Maura Lecce, at ISTS10, Madrid, Spain, in 2003; Carlos de Oliveira [now CEO of Cast Connex Corporation – a University of Toronto spin-off company], at ISTS12, Shanghai, China, in 2008; and now Tarana Haque, at ISTS13, Hong Kong, China, in 2010.
Carlos de Oliveira, a 2006 M.A.Sc. graduate from the Toronto Tube Group, was the recipient of the 2010 University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering Young Alumni Achievement Medal, for his role in co-founding the University of Toronto technology start-up company Cast Connex Corporation. The company was founded in 2007 with former co-supervisors Professors Jeff Packer and Constantin Christopoulos. Carlos was also a past recipient of the U of T Heffernan/Co-Steel Innovation Fellowship, the Ontario Centres of Excellence Martin Walmsley Fellowship for Technological Entrepreneurship and the CIDECT President’s Award for Research. Pictured above is Dr. Adel Sedra, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo and past Vice President, Provost, and Chief Academic Officer at the University of Toronto and Carlos de Oliveira, now Chief Executive Officer of Cast Connex Corporation.
Professor Jeff Packer was the 2009 recipient of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) "Excellence in Innovation in Civil Engineering Award", and received this award at the CSCE Annual Conference Awards Banquet in St. John's, Newfoundland, on May 29, 2009. This was awarded for technology developed on "Cast Steel Connectors" in collaboration with Professor Constantin Christopoulos, Mr. Carlos de Oliveira and Mr. Michael Gray.
Doctoral Students, Mr. Michael Gray and Mr. Andrew Voth, in the UofT Tube Group, have won national and university honours respectively, in Spring 2009. Michael received the CSCE Donald Jamieson Fellowship and Andrew received the University of Toronto Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award, for his outstanding extra-curricular voluntary contributions to the university.
Ms. Elena Nuta spent May to September 2008 undertaking an Internship at the "Fraunhofer Center Windenergie und Meerestechnik" in Bremerhaven, Germany, as a result of being awarded an International Scholarship by the Ontario Centres of Excellence. At this Wind Energy centre she undertook research on steel wind turbine structures as part of her M.A.Sc. program.
Professor Jeff Packer was the recipient in 2007 of major infrastructure grants from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Initiatives Fund ($3.22 Million) and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation ($3.22 Million). This has renovated the Structures Laboratories at the University of Toronto and converted them into a "Large-Scale Impact and High-Velocity Loading and Sensing Facility for Critical Infrastructure" of world-class calibre. Renovation and equipment installation took place in 2008 with operation commencing in mid-2009.
Dr. Maura Lecce, a NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Toronto Tube Group, was the 2007 recipient of the prestigious Moisseiff Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). This was presented to Maura at the ASCE Structures Congress in Long Beach, California on May 17, 2007.
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Kyle Tousignant
E-mail: kyle.tousignant@mail.utoronto.ca
PhD Students
Mr. Augusto Fidalgo
Email: augustomafi@gmail.com
MASc Students
Mr. Xiao Ding (Dean) Bu
Email: deanx.bu@mail.utoronto.ca
- International Standards Organization, 2013. "Static Design Procedure for Welded Hollow Section Joints – Recommendations", ISO 14346:2013 (E), International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
- International Institute of Welding Subcommission XV-E, 2012. “Static Design Procedure for Welded Hollow Section Joints – Recommendations”, 3rd. edition, IIW Doc. XV-1402-12, Paris, France, 53 pp.
- International Standards Organization, 2008. “Fatigue – Design Procedure for Welded Hollow Section Joints – Recommendations”, ISO 14347:2008(E), International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Packer, J.A., 2005. “Design of HSS and Box Member Connections”: Chapter K of “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings”, ANSI/AISC 360-05, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, USA. Sole author of 14% of the new 2005 AISC specification (representing 21 of 150 pages in the main body of this American national building standard).
- Wardenier, J., Packer, J.A., Zhao, X.L. and van der Vegte, G.J., 2010. “Hollow Sections in Structural Applications”, 2nd. edition, CIDECT, Geneva, Switzerland, 232 pp.
For ordering: www.bouwenmetstaal.nl - Packer, J.A., Sherman, D.R. and Lecce, M., 2010. “Hollow Structural Section Connections”, Steel Design Guide No. 24, American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, USA, 146 pp.
For ordering: www.aisc.org - Packer, J.A., Wardenier, J., Zhao, X.L., van der Vegte, G.J. and Kurobane, Y., 2009. “Design Guide for Rectangular Hollow Section (RHS) Joints under Predominantly Static Loading”, CIDECT Design Guide No. 3, 2nd. edition, CIDECT, Geneva, Switzerland, 149 pp.
For ordering: www.cidect.com
[Published in English, German, French and Spanish editions] - Wardenier, J., Kurobane, Y., Packer, J.A., van der Vegte, G.J. and Zhao, X.L., 2008. “Design Guide for Circular Hollow Section (CHS) Joints under Predominantly Static Loading”, CIDECT Design Guide No. 1, 2nd. edition, CIDECT, Geneva, Switzerland, 135 pp.
For ordering: www.cidect.com
[Published in English, German, French and Spanish editions] - Packer, J.A. and Willibald, S., (eds.), 2006. “Tubular Structures XI”, Taylor & Francis, U.K. , 684 pp.
For ordering: http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/ - Kurobane, Y., Packer, J.A., Wardenier, J. and Yeomans, N., 2004. "Design Guide for Structural Hollow Section Column Connections", CIDECT and Verlag TÜV Rheinland GmbH, Köln, Germany, 211 pp.
For ordering: www.cidect.com
[Published in English, German, French and Spanish editions] - Zhao, X.L., Herion, S., Packer, J.A., Puthli, R.S., Sedlacek, G., Wardenier, J., Weynand, K., van Wingerde, A.M. and Yeomans, N.F., 2001. "Design Guide for Circular and Rectangular Hollow Section Welded Joints under Fatigue Loading", CIDECT and Verlag TÜV Rheinland GmbH, Köln, Germany, 121 pp.
For ordering: www.cidect.com
[Published in English, German, French and Spanish editions] - Zhao, X.L. and Packer, J.A., (eds.), 2000. "Fatigue Design Procedures for Welded Hollow Section Joints", Abington Publishing, England, 96 pp.
For ordering: www.store.elsevier.com/Woodhead-Publishing-/IMP_209 - Packer, J.A. and Henderson, J.E., 1997. "Hollow Structural Section Connections and Trusses - A Design Guide", 2nd. edition, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, Toronto, Canada, 447 pp.
- Packer, J.A., Henderson, J.E. and Cao, J.J., 1997. “Hollow Structural Section Connections”, Science Press, Beijing, P.R. China, 373 pp. (in Chinese).
- Packer, J.A., Sun, M. and Tousignant, K., 2016. “Experimental Evaluation of Design Procedures for Fillet Welds to Hollow Structural Sections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, , American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 142, No. 5, pp. 04016007-1 – 04016007-12.
- Zhang, F., Wu, C., Zhao, X.L., Xiang, H., Li, Z.X., Fang, Q., Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Heidarpour, A. and Packer, J.A., 2016. “Experimental Study of CFDST Columns Infilled with UHPC under Close-Range Blast Loading”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 93, pp. 184-195.
- Spiller, K., Packer, J.A., Seica, M.V. and Yankelevsky, D. Z., 2016. “Prediction of Annealed Glass Window Response to Blast Loading”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol.88, pp. 189-200.
- Voth, A.P. and Packer, J.A., 2016. “Circular Hollow Through Plate Connections”, Steel Construction – Design and Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 16-23.
- Tousignant, K. and Packer, J.A., 2015. “Weld Effective Lengths for Rectangular HSS Overlapped K-Connections”, Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 259-281.
- Mirmomeni, M., Heidarpour, A., Zhao, X.L., Hutchinson, C.R., Packer, J.A. and Wu, C., 2015. “Mechanical Properties of Partially Damaged Structural Steel induced by High Strain Rate Loading at Elevated Temperatures – An Experimental Investigation”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 76, pp. 178-188.
- McFadden, M.R., and Packer, J.A, 2014. “Effective Weld Properties for Hollow Structural Section T-Connections under Branch In-Plane Bending", Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 247-266.
- Packer, J.A, 2014. “HSS Truss Connections with Three Branches", Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 145-153.
- Wardenier, J., Choo, Y.S., Packer, J.A., van der Vegte, G.J. and Shen, W., 2014. “Design Recommendations for Axially Loaded Elliptical Hollow Section X and T Joints", Steel Construction – Design and Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 89-96.
- Elghazouli, A.Y. and Packer, J.A, 2014. “Seismic Design Solutions for Connections to Tubular Members", Steel Construction – Design and Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 73-83.
- Sun, M. and Packer, J.A., 2014. “Charpy V-Notch Impact Toughness of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 97, pp. 114-126.
- Gray, M.G., Christopoulos, C. and Packer, J.A., 2014. “Cast Steel Yielding Brace System (YBS) for Concentrically Braced Frames: Concept Development and Experimental Validations", Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 140, No. 4, pp. 04013095-1 – 04013095-11.
- Sun, M. and Packer, J.A., 2014. “High Strain Rate Behaviour of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections", Engineering Structures, Vol. 62-63, 2014, pp. 181-192.
- Shen, W., Choo, Y.S., Wardenier, J., Packer, J.A. and van der Vegte, G.J., 2014. “Static Strength of Axially Loaded Elliptical Hollow Section X Joints with Braces Welded to the Wide Sides of the Chord. Part II: Parametric Study and Strength Equations”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 140, No. 1, pp. 04013036-1 – 04013036-13.
- Shen, W., Choo, Y.S., Wardenier, J., Packer, J.A. and van der Vegte, G.J., 2014. “Static Strength of Axially Loaded Elliptical Hollow Section X Joints with Braces Welded to the Wide Sides of the Chord. Part I: Numerical Investigations based on Experimental Tests”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 140, No. 1, pp. 04013035-1 – 04013035-12.
- Sun, M. and Packer, J.A., 2014. “Direct-Formed and Continuous-Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections – Comparison of Static Properties", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 92, pp. 67-78.
- Shen, W., Choo, Y.S., Wardenier, J., Packer, J.A. and van der Vegte, G.J., 2013. “Static Strength of Axially Loaded EHS X- Joints with Braces Welded to the Narrow Sides of the Chord", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 88, pp. 181-190.
- Puthli, R. and Packer, J.A., 2013. “Structural Design using Cold-Formed Hollow Sections", Steel Construction – Design and Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 150-157.
- McFadden, M.R., Sun, M. and Packer, J.A., 2013. “Weld Design and Fabrication for RHS Connections", Steel Construction – Design and Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 5-10.
- Iwashita, T., Packer, J.A. and de Oliveira, J.C., 2012. “Defect Tolerance for Cast Steel Connections in Braced Frames”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No.12, pp. 1455-1464.
- Haque, T. and Packer, J.A., 2012. “Elliptical Hollow Section T and X Connections”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 925-936.
- Voth, A.P. and Packer, J.A., 2012. “Branch Plate-to-Circular Hollow Structural Section Connections. II: X-Type Parametric Numerical Study and Design”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 8, pp. 1007-1018.
- Voth, A.P. and Packer, J.A., 2012. “Branch Plate-to-Circular Hollow Structural Section Connections. I: Experimental Investigation and Finite Element Modeling”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 138, No. 8, pp. 995-1006.
- Voth, A.P. and Packer, J.A., 2012. “Numerical Study and Design of T-Type Branch Plate-to-Circular Hollow Section Connections”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 41, pp. 477-489.
- Voth, A.P. and Packer, J.A., 2012. “Numerical Study and Design of Skewed X-Type Branch Plate-to-Circular Hollow Section Connections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 1-10.
- Haque, T., Packer, J.A. and Zhao, X.L., 2012. “Equivalent RHS Approach for the Design of EHS in Axial Compression or Bending”, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 15, No.1, pp.107-120.
- de Oliveira, J.C., Christopoulos, C., Packer, J.A., Tremblay, R., Gray, M.G. and Willibald, S., 2011. “Hohlprofilstreben mit Verbindungselementen aus Gussstahl unter Erdbebenbelastung”, (“Tubular Brace Members with Cast Steel Connectors under Seismic Loading”), Stahlbau, Vol. 80, No. 7, pp.513-519.
- Seica, M.V., Krynski, M., Walker, M. and Packer, J.A., 2011. “Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Architectural Glazing Subject to Blast Loading”, Journal of Architectural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 59-74.
- Packer, J.A. and Sun, M., 2011. “Weld Design for Rectangular HSS Connections”, Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp.31-48.
- Nuta, E., Christopoulos, C. and Packer, J.A., 2011. “Methodology for Seismic Risk Assessment for Tubular Steel Wind Turbine Towers: Application to Canadian Seismic Environment”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 293-304.
Awarded the Sir Casimir Gzowski Medal by CSCE for 2011.
- Zhao, X.L., Wardenier, J., Packer, J.A. and van der Vegte, G.J., 2010. “Current Static Design Guidance for Hollow-Section Joints”, Structures and Buildings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 163, No. SB6, pp. 361-373.
- Packer, J.A., Chiew, S.P., Tremblay, R. and Martinez-Saucedo, G., 2010. “Effect of Material Properties on Hollow Section Performance”, Structures and Buildings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 163, No. SB6, pp. 375-390.
- Herion, S., de Oliveira, J.C., Packer, J.A., Christopoulos, C. and Gray, M.G., 2010. “Castings in Tubular Structures – The State of the Art”, Structures and Buildings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 163, No. SB6, pp. 403-415.
- Martinez-Saucedo, G. and Packer, J.A., 2009. “Static Design Recommendations for Slotted End HSS Connections in Tension”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 135, No. 7, pp. 797-805.
- Zhao, X.L. and Packer, J.A., 2009. “Tests and Design of Concrete-Filled Elliptical Hollow Section Stub Columns”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 47, No. 6/7, pp. 617-628.
- Martinez-Saucedo, G., Packer, J.A. and Christopoulos, C., 2008. “Gusset Plate Connections to Circular Hollow Section Braces under Inelastic Cyclic Loading”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 134, No. 7, pp. 1252-1258.
- Martinez-Saucedo, G., Packer, J.A. and Zhao, X.L., 2008. “Static Design of Elliptical Hollow Section End Connections”, Structures and Buildings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 161, No. SB2, pp. 103-113.
- de Oliveira, J.C., Packer, J.A. and Christopoulos, C., 2008. “Cast Steel Connectors for Circular Hollow Section Braces under Inelastic Cyclic Loading”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 134, No. 3, pp. 374-383.
- Seica, M.V. and Packer, J.A., 2007. “FRP Materials for the Rehabilitation of Tubular Steel Structures, for Underwater Applications”, Composite Structures, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 440-450.
- Martinez-Saucedo, G. and Packer, J.A., 2007. Discussion of the paper “Shear Lag in Rectangular Hollow Structural Sections Tension Members: Comparison of Design Equations to Test Data”, by B. Dowswell and S. Barber, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 135-136.
- Ling, T.W., Zhao, X.L., Al-Mahaidi, R. and Packer, J.A., 2007. “Investigation of Block Shear Tear-Out Failure in Gusset-Plate Welded Connections in Structural Steel Hollow Sections and Very High Strength Tubes”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 29, pp. 469-482.
- Ling, T.W., Zhao, X.L., Al-Mahaidi, R. and Packer, J.A., 2007. “Investigation of Shear Lag Failure in Gusset-Plate Welded Structural Steel Hollow Section Connections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 293-304.
- Packer, J.A., Mashiri, F.R., Zhao, X.L. and Willibald, S., 2007. “Static and Fatigue Design of CHS-to-RHS Welded Connections using a Branch Conversion Method”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 82-95.
- Martinez-Saucedo, G., Packer, J.A. and Willibald, S., 2006. “Parametric Finite Element Study of Slotted End Connections to Circular Hollow Sections”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 28, pp. 1956-1971.
- Willibald, S., Packer, J.A. and Martinez-Saucedo, G., 2006. “Behaviour of Gusset Plate Connections to Ends of Round and Elliptical Hollow Structural Section Members”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33, pp. 373-383.
- Seica, M.V. and Packer, J.A., 2006. “Simplified Numerical Method to Evaluate the Mechanical Strength of Cast Iron Water Pipes”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 60-67.
- Kosteski, N., Packer, J.A. and Puthli, R.S., 2005. “Notch Toughness of Internationally Produced Hollow Structural Sections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 279-286.
- Packer, J.A. and Frater, G.S., 2005. “Recommended Effective Throat Sizes for Flare Groove Welds to HSS”, Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1st. Quarter, pp. 31-44.
- Seica, M.V. and Packer, J.A., 2004. “Mechanical Properties and Strength of Aged Cast Iron Water Pipes”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 69-77.
- Seica, M.V. and Packer, J.A., 2004. “Finite Element Evaluation of the Remaining Mechanical Strength of Deteriorated Cast Iron Pipes”, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 126, No. 1, pp. 95-102.
- Kosteski, N. and Packer, J.A., 2003. “Welded Tee-to-HSS Connections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129, No. 2, pp. 151-159.
- Kosteski, N. and Packer, J.A., 2003. “Longitudinal Plate and Through Plate-to-HSS Welded Connections”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129, No. 4, pp. 478-486.
- Willibald, S., Packer, J.A. and Puthli, R.S., 2003. “Design Recommendations for Bolted Rectangular HSS Flange-Plate Connections in Axial Tension”, Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 40, No. 1, 1st. Quarter, pp. 15-24.
- Kosteski, N., Packer, J.A. and Puthli, R.S., 2003. “A Finite Element Method Based Yield Load Determination Procedure for Hollow Structural Section Connections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 59, pp. 453-471.
- Willibald, S., Puthli, R.S. and Packer, J.A., 2003. “Verdeckte Rechteck-Hohlprofil-Verbindungen unter Zugbelastung”, Stahlbau, Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 373-382.
- Packer, J.A., 2003. Discussion on the paper “Design of Pinned Column Base Plates”, Steel Construction, Journal of the Australian Steel Institute, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 31-32.
- Lecce, M and Packer, J.A., 2003. “Lap Splice Steel Connections with Stainless Steel Nails”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129, No. 9, pp. 1250-1258.
- Packer, J.A., 2003. “Flare Groove Welds to HSS Corners”, Canadian Welding Association Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 30-33.
- Packer, J.A. and McFadden, M.R., 2012. “Welding of Hollow Structural Sections”, Modern Steel Construction, American Institute of Steel Construction, April Issue, pp. 52-54.
- Gray, M., Christopoulos, C., Packer, J. and de Oliveira, C., 2012. “A New Brace Option for Ductile Braced Frames”, Modern Steel Construction, American Institute of Steel Construction, February Issue, pp. 40-43.
- Gray, M., Christopoulos, C., Packer, J. and de Oliveira, C., 2011. “Up to the Challenge”, Advantage Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, No. 41, Fall Issue, pp. 22-25.
- Packer, J.A., 2011. “Whither Hollow Structural Section Publications?”, Advantage Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, No. 41, Fall Issue, pp. 18-21.
- Packer, J.A., 2010. “Elliptical Hollow Sections - Part III: EHS Connection Design”, Advantage Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, No. 37, Summer Issue, pp. 10.
- Packer, J.A., Wardenier, J., Choo, Y.S. and Chiew, S.P., 2009. “Elliptical Steel Tubes”, Steel News and Notes, Singapore Structural Steel Society, 25th. Anniversary Issue, pp. 86-90.
- Packer, J.A., 2009. “Elliptical Hollow Sections - Part II: EHS Member Design”, Advantage Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, No. 36, Winter Issue, pp. 10-12.
- de Oliveira, J.C., Packer, J.A. and Christopoulos, C., 2009. “Standardized Brace Connectors for Seismic-Restraint Concentrically Braced Frames”, Advantage Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, No. 36, Winter Issue, pp. 18-22.
- Packer, J.A., 2009. “Elliptical Hollow Sections - Part I: Properties and Applications”, Advantage Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, No. 35, Fall Issue, pp. 16-17.
- de Oliveira, J.C. and Packer, J.A., 2009. “Ample Seismic Protection”, Modern Steel Construction, American Institute of Steel Construction, June Issue, pp. 34-36.
- Packer, J.A., 2008. “Going Elliptical”, Modern Steel Construction, American Institute of Steel Construction, March Issue, pp. 65-67.
- Packer, J.A., Willibald, S. and Boulanger, S., 2007. “In Canada, Tubes R Us”, Advantage Steel, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, No. 28, Spring Issue, pp. 18-19.
- Packer, J.A. and Stine, T.S., 2006. “The Future of HSS Connection Design”, Modern Steel Construction , American Institute of Steel Construction, February Issue, pp. 45-47.
From 1999 to 2011, "HSS_connex", a Windows-based program for the design of statically-loaded, welded and bolted, truss-type connections between Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) has been available, for 32-bit operating systems. A new modernized online version, compatible with all operating systems is now available at: www.connex.steeltubeinstitute.org
The Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, hosted the “11th. International Symposium on Tubular Structures” (ISTS11), in Québec City, Canada, from August 31 to September 2, 2006.
The next symposium in this series, ISTS16, will be held in Melbourne, Australia, from December 4 to 6, 2017, hosted by Monash University, with the International Programme Committee chaired by Professor Jeff Packer.
- Static, fatigue, impact, blast and seismic behaviour of steel Hollow Structural Section (HSS) members, connections, trusses and frames
- Circular, rectangular and elliptical hollow sections
- Manufacturing standards and design specifications for hollow sections
- Welded, bolted, nailed and cast steel joints
- Performance of steel structures and materials under high-velocity dynamic loading
- Rehabilitation and repair of infrastructure
- Composites (Steel-FRP, Steel-concrete)
- Mechanical behaviour and reliability of cast iron pipes
- Steel wind turbine towers
- Hollow Structural Sections and glass under high strain-rate loading
- Cast Steel Connectors and Components
- Welding
Public Sector:
- NSERC Discovery, NSERC Collaborative Research and Development, NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grants
- City of Toronto
- Materials and Manufacturing Ontario
- Australian Research Council
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany
- Canada Foundation for Innovation
- Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation
- Ontario Centres of Excellence
- Ontario Research Commercialization Program
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Private Sector:
- Steel Structures Education Foundation
- Steel Tube Institute of North America
- American Institute of Steel Construction
- Comité International pour le Développement et l’Étude de la Construction Tubulaire
- Sika Canada Inc.
- Canam
- Lincoln Electric Co.
- Walters Inc.
- Atlas Tube Inc.
- Bull Moose Tube Co.
- Explora Security Ltd.
- Explora Foundation
- Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
- Professor Constantin Christopoulos, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
- Professor Robert Tremblay, Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, École Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
- Professor Ram Puthli, Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Professor Jaap Wardenier, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Professor Xiao-Ling Zhao, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia
- Professor Sing Ping Chiew, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Professor Yoo Sang Choo, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore
- Professor David Yankelevsky, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Continuing Education Courses
CIV 1175: "Design of Tubular Steel Structures" is given annually for graduate students and industrial participants. It is next offered in September 2017.
The Tube Group at the University of Toronto is renowned worldwide for the quality of its leading-edge research on Tubular Structures and the impact that this has had on international structural engineering practice. If you are interested in expanding the bounds of knowledge in this topic, by either graduate research or a Postdoctoral Fellowship, and are of high academic standing with relevant experience, please contact Professor J.A. Packer. Excellent laboratory and computing facilities are available for the pursuit of innovative experimental (Structural engineering section) and numerical studies. Structural tubing is a rapidly expanding construction medium, driven by both economics and aesthetics, the latter being evidenced by the popularity of Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS) with architects.
The “International Symposium on Tubular Structures” (ISTS) is the prime international forum for presentation of research, developments and applications in the field of onshore tubular structures. At ISTS9 in 2001 the international tube organization CIDECT initiated a “CIDECT President’s Student Award” for the top international work in the field submitted by a graduate student to an international competition, and to be awarded at each ISTS. At ISTS9 (2001, Düsseldorf, Germany), ISTS10 (2003, Madrid, Spain), ISTS12 (2008, Shanghai, China), and ISTS13 (2010, Hong Kong, China), 1st. place went to outstanding research students from the Tube Group at the University of Toronto.
Recent research initiatives have been pursued in the field of impulsive loading, involving high strain-rate behaviour of materials, the performance of members and sub-assemblies under highly dynamic loading, and large-scale field blast testing of building components and systems.
From left to right (pictured at ISTS 10, Madrid, 2003):
Prof. Jeffrey Packer
Kurobane Lecturer, ISTS10, 2003
Houdremont Lecturer, ISTS11, 2006
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Nick Kosteski
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Maura Lecce
Winner of the CIDECT President's Student Award (ISTS10, 2003)
University of Sydney, Australia (2003)
University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Silke Willibald
Winner of the CIDECT President's Student Award (ISTS9, 2001)
University of Toronto, Canada
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (2001)
University of Toronto, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering:
Explora Security Ltd.:
Explora Foundation:
Centre for Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
American Institute of Steel Construction:
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction:
Canadian Foundation for Innovation:
Ontario Centres of Excellence:
Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation:
International Iron and Steel Institute:
International Institute of Welding:
Steel Construction Institute:
Steel Tube Institute of North America:
Modern Steel Construction:
American Welding Society:
Atlas Tube Inc.:
Cast ConneX Corporation: