John Hadjigeorgiou
Pierre Lassonde Chair in Mining Engineering
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering
Email: john.hadjigeorgiou@utoronto.ca
Office: MB119A
Tel: (416) 946-4032
Mining Engineering
Deep and High-Stress Mining, Geomechanical Risk Management, Innovative Ground Control Strategies
John has over 25 years of pertinent experience in North and South America, Australia, Africa and Europe working in mining and geotechnical engineering.
Research Interests
Hadjigeorgiou J. & F. Charette J. (2009). Guide Pratique du Soutènement Minier . Association Minière du Québec inc. (2 nd Edition), p. 241 |
Potvin Y., J. Hadjigeorgiou & Stacey T.R., Editors (2007). Challenges in Deep and High Stress Mining. Australian Centre for Geomechanics p. 656. |
Potvin Y., T.R. Stacey & J. Hadjigeorgiou, Editors (2004). Surface Support in Mining . Australian Centre for Geomechanics. p. 416. |
Hadjigeorgiou et al. (2002). Australian Rock Bolting Practices . A Multimedia Training Package. Distributed by the Australian Centre for Geomechanics. |
Charette F. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (1999). Guide Pratique du Soutènement Minier . Association Minière du Québec inc. p. 141. |
Hadjigeorgiou J., Lemy F., Hammond K. & F. Flament (1998 ). Systèmes de boulonnage. Multimedia CD-Rom. |
1. Karampinos E., J. Hadjigeorgiou, J. Hazzard and P. Turcotte Discrete element modelling of the buckling phenomenon in deep hard rock mines. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 80 (2015) 346–356. |
2. Esmaeili, K., and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2015). Application of DFN–DEM modelling in addressing ground control issues at an underground mine. Mining Technology. Volume 124, Issue 3 (September, 2015), pp. 138-149. |
3. Karampinos E., J. Hadjigeorgiou, P. Turcotte and F. Mercier-Langevin (2015). Large scale deformations in underground hard rock mines. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, July 2015, Volume 115, pp. 1-8. |
4. Dorion J.F., J. Hadjigeorgiou and E. Ghali (2015). Quantifying Losses in Support Capacity due To Corrosion. CIM Journal | Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 149-156. |
5. Esmaeili, K., Hadjigeorgiou, J. and Grenon, M. (2015). Capturing the complete stress strain behaviour of jointed rock using a numerical approach. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Volume 39, Issue 10, pp. 1027–1140. |
6. Turichshev A. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2015). Experimental and Numerical Investigations into the Strength of Intact Veined Rock. Rock Mech Rock Eng (2015) 48:1897–1912. |
7. Morissette P., J. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Thibodeau (2014). Investigating the Dynamic-Load Demand on Support Systems using Passive Monitoring Data. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 67 (2014) 115–126. |
8. Esmaeili, K., Hadjigeorgiou, J. (2014). Influence of Rock Mass Foliation on Impact-Induced Damage of an Ore Pass Wall. CIM Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1. |
9. Dorion J.F. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2014). Corrosion considerations in design and operation of rock support systems. Mining Technology 2014 Vol. 23 No 2 pp. 59-68. |
10. Hadjigeorgiou J. and T.R. Stacey (2013). The Absence of Strategy in Ore Pass Planning, Design and Management. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Volume 113, Oct. 2013, pp 795-801. |
11. Esmaeili, K., Hadjigeorgiou, J. and Grenon, M. (2013). Stability Analysis of the 19a Ore Pass at Brunswick Mine using a Two-Stage Numerical Modelling Approach. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Nov. 2013, Volume 46, Issue 6, pp 1323-1338. |
12. Hadjigeorgiou J. (2012). Where do the data come from? Mining Technology 2012 Vol 121 No 4, pp. 236-247. |
13. Grenon M., J. Hadjigeorgiou, J. Kabuya Mukendi, D. Leblanc and P. Matte (2012). Étude Des Critères De Fiabilité Des Bancs Miniers: Le Cas De La Fosse Tiriganiaq Au Nunavut. CIM Journal, Vol. 3, No 4, pp. 223-232. |
14. Grenon M. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2012). Applications of Fracture System Models (FSM) in mining and civil rock engineering design. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Volume 26 , Issue 1 , pp. 55-73. |
15. Hadjigeorgiou J. and Y. Potvin (2011). A Critical Assessment of Dynamic Rock Reinforcement and Support Testing Facilities. Rock Mech Rock Eng (2011) 44:565–578. |
16. Mercier-Langevin F. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2011). Towards a better understanding of squeezing potential in hard rock mines. AusIMM, Mining Technology, 2011 Vol 120 No 1, pp. 36-44. |
17. Esmaeili, K., Hadjigeorgiou, J. (2011). Selecting Ore Pass-Finger Raise Configurations in Underground Mines. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 44: 291–303. |
18. Hadjigeorgiou J. and J.F. Lessard (2010). Strategies for Restoring Material Flow in Ore and Waste Pass Systems. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. Vol. 24, No. 3, September 2010, 267–282. |
19. Esmaeili, K., Hadjigeorgiou, J. and Grenon, M. (2010). Estimating geometrical and mechanical REV based on synthetic rock mass models at Brunswick Mine. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 47 (2010) 915–926. |
20. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2010). Integrated structural stability analysis for preliminary open pit design. Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 47 (2010) 450–460. |
21. Hadjigeorgiou J., K. Esmaieli and M. Grenon (2009). Stability Analysis of Vertical Excavations in Hard Rock. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 24 pp. 296–308. |
22. Andrieux P. et J. Hadjigeorgiou (2009). Guide de conception pour des sautages confinés à grande échelle de relaxation des contraintes dans des piliers de mines. CIM Bulletin. Vol. 102, No. 115, p. 1-5. |
23. Stacey T.R. J. Hadjigeorgiou and Y. Potvin (2008). Technical Skills – A Major Strategic Issue. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. pp. 775-782. |
24. Hadjigeorgiou J., J.F. Dorion and E. Ghali (2008). Support System Performance Under Different Corrosion Conditions. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 108 June 2008 pp. 359-365. |
25. Hadjigeorgiou J. & K. Esmaieli R. Harrisson (2008). Observation of Ore Pass System Performance at Brunswick Mine. CIM Bulletin Vol. 101, N° 1110, pp.1-13. |
26. Potvin Y. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2008). Ground Support Strategies to Control Large Deformations in Mining Excavations. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 108, July 2008 pp. 393-400. |
27. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2008). A Design Methodology for Rock Slopes Susceptible to Wedge Failure Using Fracture System Modelling. Engineering Geology 96 (2008) 78–93. |
28. Andrieux P. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2008). The Destressability Index Methodology for the Assessment of the Probability of Success of a Large-Scale Confined Destress Blast in an underground Mine Pillar. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 45 (2008) 407–421. |
29. Hadjigeorgiou J. and Lessard J.F. (2007). Numerical Investigations of Ore Pass Hang-up Phenomena. Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 44, 820-834. |
30. Lessard J.F. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2006). Ore Pass Database: Quebec Underground Metal Mines. Canadian Institute of Mining Bulletin. March/April 2006. |
31. Hadjigeorgiou J., J.F. Lessard & F. Mercier-Langevin (2005). Ore Pass Practice In Canadian Mines. The Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 105, Volume 105 No. 11 - December 2005, pp. 809-817. |
32. Hadjigeorgiou J. & M. Grenon (2005). Rock Slope Stability Analysis Using Fracture Systems. International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment. Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2005, 87-99. |
33. Lemy F. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2004). A Digital Face Mapping Case Study in an Underground Hard Rock Mine. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 41, Number 6, pp. 1011-1025. |
34. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Drift Reinforcement Design Based on Discontinuity Network Modelling. Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (40) pp. 833-845. |
35. Hadjigeorgiou J., F. Lemy, P. Côté & X. Maldague (2003). An Evaluation of Image Analysis Algorithms for Constructing Discontinuity Trace Maps. Rock Mech & Rock Eng. (36) 2 pp.163-179. |
36. Lemy F. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Discontinuity Trace Map Construction Using Photographs of Rock Exposures. Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 40 pp. 903-917. |
37. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Open Stope Stability Using 3D Joint Networks. Rock Mech. Rock Eng. 36 (3) pp.183-208. |
38. Bruneau G., D.B. Tyler, J. Hadjigeorgiou & Y. Potvin (2003). Instrumentation of the X41 shaft, Copper Mine, Mount Isa, Australia. Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 40/1 pp. 95-111. |
39. Bruneau G., M.R. Hudyma, J. Hadjigeorgiou & Y. Potvin (2003). Application of a 3D numerical model at the X41 shaft, copper Mine, Mount Isa, Australia. Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 40/1 pp. 113-125. |
40. Hadjigeorgiou J., Grenon M. & S. Nickson (2002). In-Situ Block Size Distributions from Borehole Data: A Case Study. Transactions Society of Mining Engineers, Vol. 312, pp. 20-27. |
41. Lemy F., J. Hadjigeorgiou, P. Côté X. Maldague (2001). Image Analysis of Drill Core. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall. (Sect. A: Min. industry), Volume 110. A172-177. |
42. Grenon M., J. Hadjigeorgiou & J.P. Harrison (2001). Drift Stability in Moderately Jointed Rock. CIM Bulletin, April, pp, 245-302. |
43. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2000). Conception du Soutènement à l’aide de la modélisation des réseaux de discontinuités. Canadian Tunnelling, pp. 81-88. |
44. Hadjigeorgiou J. J.F. Lessard, G. Bruneau & M. Grenon (2000). Evaluation Of Deterministic Ground Support Design For Underground Excavations. Canadian Tunneling. pp. 89-96. |
Andrieux P., J. Hadjigeorgiou & R. Brummer (2007). A Rock Engineering Systems Approach to Destress Rock Blasting. Chapter 55 in Challenges in Deep and High Stress Mining. Australian Centre for Geomechanics pp. 479-486. |
Andrieux P., J. Hadjigeorgiou and A. Sampson-Forsythe (2007). The Destressability Index for the design of large scale choked distress blasts in mine pillars – application to the Fraser Mine 42-1-080 Destress Blast. Chapter 56 in Challenges in Deep and High Stress Mining. Australian Centre for Geomechanics pp. 487-493. |
Potvin Y., J. Hadjigeorgiou and T.R. Stacey (2004). Thin Spray On Liners: A Quick Reference Guide. Surface Support in Mining . Australian Centre for Geomechanics. pp. 5-45 |
Hadjigeorgiou J. & J. F. Lessard (2004). The Case for Liners in Ore Pass Systems. Chapter 41 In Surface Support in Mining . Australian Centre for Geomechanics. pp. 365-371. |
Hadjigeorgiou J. & M. Grenon (2004). Towards a Rational Design Methodology for Thin Sprayed on Liners. Chapter 3 In Surface Support in Mining . Australian Centre for Geomechanics. pp. 65-70. |
Hadjigeorgiou J. & F. Charette (2001). Rock Bolting for Underground Excavations. Chapter 63 in Underground Mining Methods . Society of Mining Engineers. Hustrulid & Bullock Eds, pp. 547-554. |
Potvin Y. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2001). The Stability Graph Method for Open Stope Design. Chapter 60 in Underground Mining Methods . Hustrulid & Bullock Eds. Society of Mining Engineers, pp. 513-520. |
Choquet, P. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (1993). Design of Support for Underground Excavations . Chapter 12 in Vol. 4 of Comprehensive Rock Engineering . J. Hudson (Ed.). Pergamon Press, p. 313-348. |
1. Hadjigeorgiou J. (2008). Proceedings of the Intl. Seminar on Strategic vs Tactical Approaches in Mining . Quebec City. |
2. Hadjigeorgiou J. & M. Grenon (2006). Proceedings of the Intl. Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining . Quebec City, p. 450. |
3. Hadjigeorgiou J. (2003). Surface Support Liners: Thin Spray-On Liners, Shotcrete and Mesh . Quebec City, August 25-26, 2003, p. 421. |
4. Singhal R., A. Mehotra, J. Hadjigeorgiou & R. Poulin (1995). Mine Planning and Equipment Selection'95 . Editors, Proceedings, Balkema. p. 1117. |
1. Esmaieli, K. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2009). Influence of finger configuration on degradation of ore pass walls. RockEng09, Toronto. |
2. Dorion, J.F., J. Hadjigeorgiou and E. Ghali (2009). Quantifying the rate of corrosion in selected underground mines. RockEng09, Toronto. |
3. Esmaieli, K., Hadjigeorgiou, J. and Grenon, M. (2009). Estimation of Synthetic Rock Mass Strength Accounting for Sample Size. International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 4-10, 2009. |
4. Stacey T.R. J. Hadjigeorgiou and Y. Potvin (2008). Technical Skills – A Major Strategic Issue. Proceedings Intl. Seminar on Strategic vs Tactical Approaches in Mining. Quebec City. |
5. Hadjigeorgiou J. and F. Mercier Langevin (2008). Estimating Ore Pass Longevity in Hard Rock Mines. 42 nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium. San Francisco. |
6. Hadjigeorgiou J., J.F. Dorion and E. Ghali (2008). Support System Performance Under Different Corrosion Conditions. 6th International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Civil Engineering Construction. The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 477-488. |
7. Potvin Y. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2008). Ground Support Strategies to Control Large Deformations in Mining Excavations. 6th International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Civil Engineering Construction. The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 545-560. |
8. Kyriakou E. and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2008). Ignoring engineering geology a costly mistake at Pentalia, Cyprus. 4th Canadian Conference on Geohazards, 20-24 mai 2008, Québec, Qc, Canada, pp. 303-311. |
9. Grenon M., G. Mellies and J. Hadjigeorgiou (2008). Structural analysis along a highway rock exposure: the Fleurimont road cut. 4th Canadian Conference on Geohazards, Québec, Qc, Canada, pp. 175-180. |
10. Esmaieli K., J. Hadjigeorgiou, M. Grenon & R. Harrisson (2008). Ore pass stability analysis at the Brunswick Mine using PFC3D. Proceedings of the 1st International FLAC/DEM Symposium, MN. |
11. Hadjigeorgiou J. & K. Esmaieli R. Harrisson (2008). Observation of Ore Pass System Performance at Brunswick Mine. CIM – Maintenance Engineering/Mine Operators’ Conference, Val d’Or. |
12. Dorion J.F. et J. Hadjigeorgiou (2008). Caractérisation des environnements miniers menant à la corrosion des systèmes de soutènement. CIM – Maintenance Engineering/Mine Operators’ Conference, Val d’Or. |
13. Hadjigeorgiou J. and Y. Potvin (2007). Overview of Dynamic Testing of Ground Support. Proceedings 4th Intl. Seminar on Deep and High Stress. pp 349-371. |
14. Hadjigeorgiou J. (2007). Understanding and Managing Geological Uncertainty in Rock Engineering. Keynote Talk. Proceedings 3 rd Iranian Rock Mechanics Conference. pp. 1075-1089. |
15. Hadjigeorgiou J., K. Esmaieli & M. Grenon (2007). Investigating raise stability using fracture system and particle flow tools. Proceedings of the 1 st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vancouver Canada, Eberhardt et al. (eds). pp. 351-358. |
16. Grenon M., J . Hadjigeorgiou and P. Cote (2007). Geotechnical Considerations in Integrated Surface Mine Design. International Symposium on Rock Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering, Perth. pp. 77-92. |
17. Hadjigeorgiou J. & M. Grenon (2006). Assessment of Wedge Stability along Highway Cuts. US Symposium Rock Mechanics. Golder, Colorado, ARMA/USRMS 06-1176. CD-Rom. |
18. Hadjigeorgiou J., E. Kyriakou & P. Papanastasiou (2006). A Road Embankment Failure near Pentalia, in SW Cyprus. Intl. Conference on the Stability of Rock Slopes in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering. The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Cape Town, pp 343-352. |
19. Hadjigeorgiou, J. and Grenon M. (2005). Design of Ventilation Raises Using Fracture Systems. ARMA/USRMS 05-892. CD-Rom, Alaska. |
20. Lemy F. & Hadjigeorgiou J., (2005). Fracture System Characterization in Underground Excavations Using Digital Trace Map Analysis. Proceedings of EUROCK 2005. Brno, Czech Republic. |
21. Hadjigeorgiou J., J.F. Lessard & F. Mercier-Langevin (2004). Ore Pass Practice In Canadian Mines. Invited Paper. The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Colloquium: Design, development and operation of rockpasses. Saxonwold, p.16 |
22. Hadjigeorgiou J., J.F. Lessard & F. Mercier-Langevin (2004). Issues in Selection and Design Of Ore Pass Support. Fifth International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction. Eds. Villaescusa & Potvin, Perth WA. Balkema pp. 491-497. |
23. Potvin Y., J Hadjigeorgiou & T R Stacey (2004). Surface Support in Mines: Recent Shotcrete Applications. 2nd International Conference on Engineering Developments in Shotcrete, Cairns, Qld. A.A. Balkema Publishers, pp. 209-215. |
24. Lemy F. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2004). A Field Application of Laser Scanning Technology to Quantify Rock Fracture Orientation. Proceedings of EUROCK 2004 & 53rd Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert (ed.), Salzbourg, Austria, pp. 435-438. |
25. Grenon M., F. Lemy & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2004). Fracture System Modeling Based on Input Data from Traditional Mapping and Image Analysis. Proceedings of EUROCK 2004 & 53rd Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert (ed.), Salzbourg, Austria, pp. 445-448. |
26. Grenon M., J. Hadjigeorgiou & F. Lemy (2004). Probabilistic Analysis of Rigid Block Stability at a Granite Quarry. Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Quebec City. |
27. Stacey T.R., J. Hadjigeorgiou & Y. Potvin (2004). The Status of Thin Spray-On Liners and Some Applications Relevant to Massive Mining. MassMin 2004, Santiago, Chile. Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile. Proceedings pp. 329-335. |
28. Andrieux P., J. Hadjigeorgiou & R. Brummer (2004). A Rock Engineering Systems Approach to Destress Rock Blasting. Second International Seminar on Deep and High Stress Mining. Sandton, South Africa. The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. SS S37 pp. 277-291. |
29. Hadjigeorgiou J. & J. F. Lessard (2003). The Case for Liners in Ore Pass Systems. 3 rd International Seminar on Surface Support Liners, Quebec City, Section 4, pp. 14. |
30. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Assessment of Wedge Stability in Rock Slopes Using Discontinuity Networks. Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries, Calgary, Canada, CD-Rom. |
31. Lemy F. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Rock Mass Characterization Using Image Analysis. Soil Rock America 2003, Boston. Vol. 1, pp. 95-100. |
32. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Evaluating Discontinuity Network Characterization Tools Through Mining Case Studies. Soil Rock America 2003, Boston. Vol. 1 pp.137-142. |
33. Lessard J.F. & John Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Design Tools to Prevent Ore Pass Hang-Ups. 10 th Congress of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Sandton, South Africa. Vol. 2, pp 757-762. |
34. Lessard J.F. & John Hadjigeorgiou (2003). Current Practice in Ore Pass Design in Quebec Underground Mines. Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Kalgoorlie, WA, CD-Rom. |
35. Hadjigeorgiou J. & M. Grenon (2002). Towards A Rational Design Methodology For Thin Sprayed On Liners. 2 nd International Seminar on Surface Support Liners: Thin Sprayed Liners, Shotcrete & Mesh. The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Section 12, pp. 16. |
36. Hadjigeorgiou J., E. Ghali, F. Charette & M.R. Krishnadev (2002). Fracture Analysis of Friction Rock Bolts. NARMS-TAC. Hammah et al (eds). University of Toronto. pp. 881-887. |
37. Lemy F. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2002). Discontinuity Trace Map Construction By Digital Image Processing Of Underground Rock Exposures. NARMS-TAC. Hammah et al (eds). University of Toronto. pp. 63-69. |
38. Brummer R., J. Hadjigeorgiou & G. Swan (2001). Support and Structural Use of Shotcrete In Canadian Mines. International Seminar on Surface Support Liners: Thin Sprayed Liners, Shotcrete. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. Section 7. |
39. Hadjigeorgiou J. & R. Brummer (2001). Shotcrete Pillars in Canadian Mines. International Seminar on Surface Support Liners: Thin Sprayed Liners, Shotcrete. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. Section 10. |
40. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2000). Stope Design Based on Realistic Joint Networks. MassMin2000. Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Publ. Series 7/2000, pp. 765-771. |
41. Hadjigeorgiou J. & M. Grenon (2000). Geomechanical Analysis Using Simulated 3D Natural Joint Networks. Proc. Ninth Intel. Symp. Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, Athens. pp. 303-307. |
42. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2000). Conception du Soutènement à l’aide de la modélisation des réseaux de discontinuités. Proc. of the 16th Annual Conference of the Tunnelling Association of Canada, pp. 147-154. |
43. Hadjigeorgiou J. J.F. Lessard, G. Bruneau & M. Grenon (2000). Evaluation of Deterministic Ground Support Design for Underground Excavations. Proc. of the 16th Annual Conference of the Tunnelling Association of Canada, pp. 195-202. |
44. Hadjigeorgiou J., M. Grenon & S. Nickson (2000). A Practical Application Of Borehole Data To Determine In-Situ Block Size Distributions. Proceedings of the Fourth North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 675-680. |
45. Hadjigeorgiou, J., F. Lemy, P. Côté & X. Maldague (2000). Development Of A Methodology For The Automatic Construction Of Discontinuity Trace Maps Based On Digital Images. Proceedings of the Fourth North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, NARMS 2000, Seattle, Washington, USA, Balkema, 681-686. |
46. Grenon M., J. Hadjigeorgiou, J.P. Harrison & R. Banas (2000). An Investigation of Drift Stability in Moderately Jointed Rock Mass . Proceedings of the Fourth North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA. 967-973. |
47. Milne D. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2000). Practical Considerations in the Use of Rock Mass Classification in Mining. Geo 2000. International Congress Melbourne. |
48. Lemy F., Hadjigeorgiou J. P. Côté & X. Maldague (2000). Geomechanical Core “logging” Using Image Analysis Techniques. Proc. Eurock 2000 Symp., Aachen, DGGT, pp. 275-280. |
1. Hadjigeorgiou J. (2008). Failure and Stability Problems in Ore Passes. International workshop on Rock Mass Strength. Lulea, Sweden. |
2. Walker, E., P.W.J. Glover, J. Ruel, G. Lalande, M. Bergeron, M. Jodouin, J. Hadjigeorgiou. (2008). Dispositifs pour mesurer les propriétés électrocinétiques de roches en laboratoire. Journée des Sciences de la Terre et de L'Environnement, avril 2008, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Québec, Canada. |
1. Walker, E, Glover, PWJ, Ruel, J, Lalande, G, Jodouin, M, Hadjigeorgiou, J. A laboratory apparatus for measuring the frequency-dependent streaming potential coupling coefficient of porous rock samples (oral). European Geosciences Union, general assembly, April 2008, Vienna, Austria.EGU2008-A-02916; MPRG7-1FR2O-002 |
4. Walker, E., P.W.J. Glover, J. Ruel, G. Lalande, M. Bergeron, M. Jodouin, J. Hadjigeorgiou. Dispositif pour mesurer le coefficient de couplage électrocinétique d'échantillons de roches poreuse en laboratoire. Association Francophone pour le Savoir, Congrès annuel, mai 2008, Québec, Canada. |
5. Walker, E., Glover, P.W.J., Ruel, J., Lalande, G., Jodouin, M. and Hadjigeorgiou, J. A method for measuring the AC and DC streaming potential coupling coefficients of porous rock samples in the laboratory). Joint annual meeting GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA, May 2008, Québec city, Canada. |
6. Hadjigeorgiou J. & J.F. Lessard (2007). Practical considerations in the design and operation of ore pass chutes. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Montreal. |
7. Lessard J.F. et J, Hadjigeorgiou (2006). Dimensionnement des chutes à minerai. Colloque en Contrôle de Terrain, Association Minière du Québec, Val d'Or. |
8. Charette, F., P. Germain, J. Hadjigeorgiou (2004). Corrosion Behaviour of Swellex Bolts in Underground Mining Environments. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Edmonton. |
9. Hadjigeorgiou J. (2003). Canadian Ore Pass Design. Ore Pass Analysis and Design Workshop. Spokane, WA. |
10. Hadjigeorgiou J., P. Turcotte & J.F. François Lessard (2003). Influence of excavation inclination and particle shape on ore pass hang-ups. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Montreal. |
11. Andrieux P., J. Hadjigeorgiou & R. Brummer (2003). Rock Engineering Systems and Destress Rock Blasting. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Montreal. |
12. Lessard J.F., J. Hadjigeorgiou & P. Turcotte (2002). Rock pass operational problems in Quebec underground mines. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Vancouver. |
13. Andrieux. P. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2002). The Potential Application of Rock Engineering Systems to Rock Blasting. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Vancouver. CD-Rom. |
14. Hadjigeorgiou J. & F. Charette (2002). Design of Reinforcement for Mining Excavations. Society of Mining Engineers. Invited presentation Annual General Meeting, Phoenix Arizona. |
15. Potvin Y. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2002). The Stability Graph Method for Open Stope Design. Society of Mining Engineers, Invited presentation, Annual General Meeting, Phoenix Arizona. |
16. Hadjigeorgiou J. & M. Grenon (2001). Rational reinforcement design for jointed rock. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Quebec City. |
17. Lemy F., J. Hadjigeorgiou & P. Côté (2001). A case study of rock mass characterization based on digital face mapping in an underground Mine. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Quebec City. CD-Rom. |
18. Andrieux P. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2001). Rock Engineering Systems And Rock Blasting. Session d'étude sur les techniques de sautage. Québec. |
19. Lemy F., P. Côté, P. Turcotte & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2001). Détermination du RQD à l’aide de l’analyse d’images de carottes de forage. Colloque en Contrôle de Terrain, Association Minière du Québec, Val d'Or. |
20. Grenon M. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2000). Développements récents portant sur la caractérisation géomécanique des massifs rocheux. Colloque en Contrôle de Terrain, Association Minière du Québec, Val d'Or. |
21. Potvin Y. & J. Hadjigeorgiou (2000). Selection and Design of Ground Support Systems, Theory and Practice. Canadian Institute of Mining, Annual General Meeting, Toronto. CD-Rom. |