Robert Andrews
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering
Office: GB319H
Tel: 416-978-5399
Drinking Water
The Drinking Water Research Group (DWRG), formed in 1998, is a consortium of researchers from three North American universities: University of Toronto , Dalhousie University , and Indiana University Kokomo. Our group approach to research recognizes the benefits derived from regular collaboration of team members on joint projects. Unique resources and expertise are located at the three universities, allowing a broader range of water treatment issues to be examined than would normally be available at a single facility.
The DWRG personnel at the University of Toronto are:
- Prof. Robert C. Andrews, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering (, tel: 416-978-5399),
- Prof. Ron Hofmann, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering (, tel: 416-946-7508)
- S.A. Andrews, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering (, tel: 416-946-0908)
- Jim Wang, Project Manager, 416.946.0801, Room GB420C
The DWRG offices at the University of Toronto are located in the Galbraith Building , 35 St. George Street , Toronto , Ontario , Canada .
The DWRG typically undertakes collaborative projects within the following themes:
- Disinfection and process optimization
- Advanced treatment processes (UV, advanced oxidation, membrane filtration)
- Inactivation of emerging pathogens
- Control of disinfection by-products (DBPs)
- Secondary disinfection, impacts on biofilm and corrosion
Innovation to Meet Future Water Needs:
- Synergy of multiple disinfectants
- Disinfection of reuse waters
- Online monitoring, computer control, and information technology applications
- Ontario Ministry of Environment
- Regulation 170
- Health Canada
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- What Canadian governments are doing to protect water quality (CCME)
- Canadian Drinking Water Guildelines
- American Water Works Association
- Ontario Water Works Association
- Montgomery Watson
- CH2M Hill
- Black and Veatch
- Zenon Environmental, Inc.
- Carollo Engineers
- Hydromantis
- Watertech Online
- Sewage World (it doesn't get any better!)
- A table showing relative cancer risks from various common sources, including tap water.
- The International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (IEMSS).
- CT Tables
- European Commission Page on Endocrine Disruptors
Further information is available on the Drinking Water Research Group site.