Tamer El-Diraby

Prof. Tamer El-Diraby

Tamer El-Diraby


Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering


Email: tamer.diraby@utoronto.ca
Office: GB329
Tel: 416-978-8653


Areas of Specialization: 

Construction Project Management



The goal of my research is to use informatics systems to bring about fundamental shifts in the manner used to design and manage construction projects. I use machine learning and data management tools to explore new horizons in project management, particularly to empower communities to innovate new sustainable environments. The aim is to shape the smart city as sustainable and adaptively responsive.

Knowledge capture and re-use (socio-semantic analytics): how can we use advances in informatics to facilitate collaborative generation and use of knowledge?

Asset management: how can operational policies and rehabilitation decisions make facilities smarter, more sustainable and achieve higher levels of services?

Smart city and regenerative sustainability: Can we make urban projects a conduit for innovation democratization and empowerment: citizens co-creating new solutions for climate action not only through configuring the physical aspects of the project but also through collaborative behavior change and supportive, community-driven operational policies.

Research Interests

Research Agenda


Key Projects
