Professor Emeritus Paul Young has been elected as a Fellow of the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA). He was inducted at ARMA’s Annual Symposium held in Golden at the Colorado School of Mines. As background, ARMA elects and inducts one or a maximum of two Fellows per year. This year, two people were inducted as Fellows: Paul Young from the University of Toronto and Zdenek Bazant from Northwestern University, for their significant and continued contributions to rock mechanics.
“I feel extremely honoured to be inducted as an American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) Fellow. It is always a great privilege to be recognized by one’s peers. I only heard the news very recently that I had been nominated and would be inducted at the ARMA annual conference together with Zdenek Bazant of North Western University, thank you ARMA. I would also like to acknowledge the great colleagues, post-docs and graduate students I have had the privilege to work with over my research career,” says Young.
ARMA is a professional and international engineering and scientific society, which promotes interaction among specialists, practitioners, scholars, and educators in rock mechanics and geomechanics. They advocate for individuals and firms in all aspects of rock mechanics and geomechanics, including multi-disciplinary rock physics and rock engineering technology advancement and technological applications for civil engineering, mining engineering and tunnelling, oil and gas recovery, and geo-related socioeconomic problem-solving. They provide a forum and information resources for their members, related organizations, and the public, while their strong student membership ensures future continuity.
“I am very humbled and honoured to receive the award and be elected as a ARMA Fellow,” adds Young.