8:00 AM
| Victoria Day/Journée nationale des patriotes | New methods and applic-ations
| Introduction and recognition of sponsors: C. Rogers, K. Peterson, D. Panesar, D. Hooton | Alkali-silica reaction
| Characterization of initial ASR products by SEM, FIB and STEM-EDX: S. Barbotin, E. Boehm-Courjault, A. Leeman, K. Scrivener | Historic structures and restoration | The living legacy of George Bartholomew's Buckeye Bellefontaine béton: L.L. Sutter |
8:20 AM
| | | Invited speaker, Alex Brand: | | Evaluation of basaltic aggregates from Iceland and the Archipelagos of Hawaii and Azores regarding alkali-silica reaction: a comparative study: S. Medeiros, I. Fernandes, B. Fournier, J.C. Nunes | | Microscopic investigation of salt induced damage at repair mortar-masonry interfaces: A.M.A. Sanchez, T. Wangler, R.J. Flatt, F. Martirena |
8:40 AM
| | | Quantifying in situ dissolution kinetics of cementitious minerals by digital holographic microscopy | | Long-term effectiveness of sealers in counteracting alkali-silica reaction in highway median barriers exposed to wetting and drying, freezing and thawing, and de-icing salt: M. Champagne, M. Roy-Tremblay, B. Fournier, J. Duchesne | | The Prince Edward Viaduct, 100 years of service: O. Chernoloz, K. Peterson |
9:00 AM
| | | Plasma Focused Ion Beam Microscopy: A novel tool to characterize 3D structure and porosity of OPC mortar: P. Dong, A. Allahverdi , H. Yuan, Bassim N.D. | | Carbonation of synthetic alkali-silica reaction gel: S.R. Narneni, D.K. Panesar | | Microstructural investigations on an abandoned 1935 concrete bridge: V. Thiéry |
9:20 AM
| | | Fracture analysis of phosphate and silicate glasses by microscopy and nanoindentation: comparison of different glasses utilized for building engineering: C.J. de Lima, F. Veer, O. Çopuroğlu, H. Zhang, R. Nijsse | | Use of the Damage Rating Index (DRI) to Evaluate Level of Deterioration due to Alkali-Silica Reaction in 30-35 Year Old Concrete from the Sudbury Area: C.A. MacDonald, M. Piersanti, M. Shehata, J. Magnan | | Announcement of 18th EMABM: V. Thiéry
9:40 AM
| | | W. Harris, A. Stratulat, W. Fadgen: Non-destructive 3D imaging of building materials using X-ray microscopy | | Using image analysis to compare microscopical methods for measuring damage from alkali-silica reaction : D. Rothstein, C. Qiao, G. Green | |  |
10:00 AM
| | | coffee break | | coffee break | | |
10:20 AM
| | Concrete admixtures
| Predicting the efficacy of superplasticizers by fluorescence microscopy: J. Arend, A. Wetzel, B. Middendorf | SCMs and alternative binders
| C-A-S-H from hydration of limestone calcined clay cements (LC3) observed by different electron microscopy techniques: E. Boehm-Courjault, F. Avet, K. Scrivener | | Picnic in the the Port Lands, home to seven concrete ready-mix plants that feed the construction boom in Toronto. Explore the artificial beaches of Tommy Thompson Park, composed of waste concrete, asphalt, brick and tile.
10:40 AM
| | | Microscopic assessment into causes for early age strength gain with various amine-based admixtures in concrete: R. Sibbick, D. Silva | | Blended cements: correlation between durability, performances and particle size distribution: A. Lo Presti, D. Salvioni, M. Magistri | | The park is an important stopover for migratory birds, and home to the largest cormorant colony in North America, with over 13,000 nesting pairs, as well as hosting more than fifty other breeding species. |
11:00 AM
| | | New damage type in high performance SCC: P. Laugesen
Highly effective automated air void analysis – Internal lab procedures to provide and document correct specimen quality and analysis results: | | Examination on the mechanical performance of carbonate binders at micro level via combination of nano-indentation and backscattered electronic microscopy: M. Liwu, H. Yuanyuan, D. Min | | Tours of University of Toronto labs will be arranged for those who choose stay back. |
11:20 AM
| | | P. Laugesen
ASTM C457 Procedures A, B and C – a CN Tower extravaganza: M. Walsh, K. Peterson | | Effect of dolomite powder on the hydration and properties of calcium sulfoaluminate cements with different gypsum contents: J. Xu, D. Lu, Z. Xu, R.D. Hooton | | |
11:40 AM
| | | Measuring the adsorption of superplasticizers on clinker phases in a combined SEM-CLMS study: A. Wetzel, J. Arend, B. Minddendorf | | Characterization of carbonated calcium silicate cement-based concrete: S. Sahu, M. Beyene, R. Meininger | | |
noon | | | Lunch, Jackman Law Atrium, or step outside into the Philosopher's Walk
| | Lunch, Jackman Law Atrium, or step outside into the Philosopher's Walk
| | Lunch, for those who chose to stay back at University of Toronto will be available on the 8th floor balcony of the Myhal Centre |
1:20 PM
| | Clinker and sulfate resistance
| Possible effects of aluminium rich particles on the microstructure of Portland cement clinker: M. Böhm, R. Pierkas, A. Knöpfelmacher, K. Lipus | Forensic studies
| Microscopy as a tool to investigate low strength concrete in new slip-form pavement: M. Beyene, R. Meininger | | |
1:40 PM
| | | Periclase, and the Autoclave who cried “Wolf!” —Determining the Influence of the ASTM C151 Cement Autoclave Expansion Test on the Volume Stability of Concrete,: H. Kabir, R.D. Hooton, N. Popoff | | Investigating the causes of deterioration in concrete blocks in Southern Ireland: M. Eden, S. Vickery | | |
2:00 PM
| | | Influences of the oxyfuel cooling medium on mineralogy and microstructure of Portland cement clinker: M. Böhm, M.L. Lino | | Microstructural Differences and Related Surface Durability of Exterior Concrete Slabs as a Result of Finishing Techniques and Timing: M. Baker, A. Snyder | | The Port Lands excursion returns to Myhal Centre, if weather is bad, we will eat lunch on the 8th floor balcony. |
2:20 PM
| | | Microstructure of alkali-activated fly ash and slag concrete exposed to different sulfate resistance testing methodologies: A. Dehghan, K. Peterson
| | Re-curing of calcium aluminate cements post contact with molten slag: F.F. de Mendonca Filho, O. Çopuroglu | | Tours of University of Toronto labs will be available for those interested.
2:40 PM
| | | Testing sulfate resistance of concrete - limitations of acceleration: A. Leeman, R. Loser, F. Winnefeld, S. Cuchet | | Petrographic Examination of Fire Damaged Concrete: D. Cong | | |
3:00 PM
| | | coffee break | | coffee break
| | |
3:20 PM
| | Fibre reinforcement and other concrete additives
| Petrographic Examination and SEM/EDX Analysis of Ultra-High Performance Concrete: L.J. Powers, J.M. Ferraro | Potpourri
| An upscaling method for predicting the behavior of concrete structures under brine attack: G.L. Sherzer, K. Kovler, G. Ye, E. Schlangen, E. Gal | | |
3:40 PM
| | | The use of image processing techniques in evaluating fibre dispersion quality in carbon fibre cementitious sensors : N. Heirani, A.A. Abouhussien, F. Azhari | | Deterioration of r-MgO-PC under sulfate exposure: R. Zhang
Concrete deformulation: contribution of electron microscopy techniques and image analysis: S. Meulenyzer | | |
4:00 PM
| | | Microstructure and mechanical properties of basalt fibre reinforced concrete: J. Branston, E. Booya, K. Gorospe, A. Adesina, S. Das, D. Lawn | | Mapping fracture networks at the micro-scale in concrete weight coatings for pipelines : J. Hu, Y. Qiu, E. Ossetchkina, S. Shah, K. Peterson, G. Grasselli | | |
4:20 PM
| | | Microscopic and durability properties of modified pulp fibre reinforced cementitious composites: E. Booya, K. Gorospe, A. Adesina, S. Das | | The application and use of petrography in the assessment of potential aggregate sources at mine projects: F. Shrimer | | |
4:40 PM
| | | Thin section microscopy and DVS study to determine the influence of graphene materials on the microstructure of cement based composite: T.S. Qureshi, D. Panesar, K. Peterson | | Determining the w/c ratio in hardened concrete: an inter-laboratory trial: R. Fox, A. B. Poole, R. Barnes, H. Wong, M. Eden, J. Ferrari | | |
evening | Reception, Duke of York, 4:00 - 7:00 PM
| | Reception, Royal Ontario Museum, Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth's Treasures
Featuring minerals of interest in cement and concrete research, courtesy of Dr. Kim Tait, Curator of Mineralogy, 6:00 - 8:30 PM
| | Dinner, Hart House Gallery Grill, 7:00 - 10:00 PM
| | |