A composite image of (clockwise from top left) Professors Evan Bentz, Jennifer Drake, Marianne Touchie, Karl Peterson, David Taylor and Doug Hooton.
Just as students have had to adapt to new ways of learning, professors in the Deparment of Civil & Mineral Engineering have been adept at delivering their online lectures and providing academic continuity.
A few professors are sharing their new methods of delivering via the following images.
Prof. Doug Hooton giving an online lecture and ready to share a Powerpoint via BB Collaborate.
Prof. Jenn Drake with a multiple-monitor setup in her home office.
Prof. Marianne Touchie beginning an online lecture.
Prof. Marianne Touchie’s home office setup.Prof. David Taylor with his home setup for giving online lectures. The multiple-screen arrangement includes a tablet to allow for a blackboard substitute.Prof. Karl Peterson editing video, with multiple camera angles, from a lab demonstration so he can present it and discuss during an online lecture. Prof. Peterson had experience editing VCR tape in the 80s for community cable access material, so applied his knowledge to aid in providing course content.Prof. Evan Bentz at the chalkboard for an online lecture provided via his smartphone.