Call for volunteer clients for 1st year design course

Real-world project experience for U of T Engineering students

Do you have a challenge or issue that could be solved through engineering design?

Anything at home, work or in your neighbourhood that could use a fresh, innovative solution? Join us as an alumni volunteer client and challenge the next generation of U of T students to develop innovative solutions for real-world engineering projects.

Engineering Strategies & Practice (ESP) isn’t your typical first-year course—it’s an innovative platform where students dive into real-world projects. We’re reaching out to you, our alumni, to share your projects or problems for the 2024 Winter term.

Read more and apply today

🌟 Why become an Alumni Volunteer Client with ESP?

Infuse Creativity: Watch your challenges transform into creative design solutions that perfectly align with your user needs.
Inspire: Work with students as they tackle real-world challenges.
Lifelong Learning: Immerse yourself in new engineering strategies and learn alongside curious minds.
Engage and Connect: Reconnect with your alma mater by collaborating with faculty and fellow alumni who share your passion.

Did you know?
ESP boasts a vibrant community of 1000 students annually, supported by over 60 dedicated Teaching Team members. With a range of projects like designing facilities, processes and devices, your project doesn’t need to be complex, but should benefit from diverse solutions and fresh perspectives.

With students from communities across Canada and around the world, we invite volunteer clients from diverse backgrounds, sectors, and communities. We prefer that our students meet with their clients in person and encourage and welcome participation from alumni in the GTA.

How to Engage
Alumni must commit at least 4 hours during the semester to this important role. Projects are most successful when clients take an active role in the design process. Read more and apply before December 16, 2024.

Join us in providing a transformative engineering design experience for our students!