It is well known that significant performance gaps exist between the projected and actual performance of a building. But we can use post-occupancy evaluations to measure performance in terms of resource use and occupant comfort, health and wellbeing and work to close these gaps. This course introduces students to common building performance issues, existing performance frameworks and rating systems designed to characterize these issues as well as the various types of performance gaps. Next, the relationship between occupants, the building envelope and mechanical systems is explored, including the influence of each of these elements on indoor environmental quality and resource use.
Recommended Prerequisite:
CIV575 or CIV576 (not required)
Tuesday & Friday mornings in June with final presentations in mid-July
Through development of a hypothetical field study, students will gain experience with the metrics, measurement methods and data analysis techniques used in the holistic assessment of building performance. Lab sessions complement the field study by providing students with hands-on experience with various sensors and measurement instruments.
Auditors are encouraged to take to take part in the course assessments but auditors will only be able to work with other auditors on the project and labs, not other registered students.
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