Three members of our CivMin community are being recognized by the University with one of its highest distinctions. The Arbor Awards are the University of Toronto’s highest honour in recognition of exceptional and longstanding volunteer service.

Chris Andrews
Chris has been a very active member of the Civil Engineering Industry Advisory Board, including serving most recently as chair. He has reinvented the board, set its strategic direction, enabled research opportunities for faculty members, and provided students with employment opportunities and mentorship, among other contributions since 2017.
Angela Bodrozic-Selak (CivE 1T3)
Every year, Angela selects a case study for use as a project in the Municipal Engineering course. She speaks to students four times during the semester. She also trains teaching assistants on how to grade the project and spends up to 50 hours grading projects herself. Angela has significant impact on this course and its students.
Lloyd McCoomb (PhD., P.Eng)
Lloyd’s guidance and leadership were instrumental in growing the University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute into a centre of excellence that is highly regarded by industry and government partners. Lloyd is also chair of the executive committee that organizes the Iron Ring Ceremony for over 2000 student engineers graduating each year from U of T and other universities from across GTA.