Centre for Climate Science and Engineering Lecture Series
Join us for our February Lecture Series event!
Title: Navigating Climate Uncertainties in the Nile Basin Through Cooperative Adaptive Operation of Large Dams
Speaker: Dr. Mohammed Basheer from the University of Toronto
When: Tuesday, February 27th, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm (EST)
Where: Online Zoom Webinar
For detailed event information and free registration, click here. www.uoftcse.ca

Professor Mohammed Basheer, from Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto, presents “Navigating Climate Uncertainties in the Nile Basin Through Cooperative Adaptive Operation of Large Dams“.
- 5:00 – 5:10 pm – Attendee arrival
- 5:10 – 5:50 pm – Presentation
- 5:50 – 6:00 pm – Q&A
Presentation Abstract:
Like many regions around the world, the Nile Basin is faced with complex challenges due to climate change, which is expected to impact rainfall, crop water demands, and evaporation from open water bodies. These changes are difficult to predict, given the complex interlinkages between the climate, hydrological, river, and economic systems, thus requiring an adaptive management approach. This talk will show a multidisciplinary analytical framework for large dams on the Nile developed to help design cooperative adaptive operation plans. The framework incorporates 29 CMIP-6 climate change projections, a semi-distributed hydrological model, a river infrastructure system model, Computable General Equilibrium models (i.e., economy) of Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt, and AI-based search. The framework was used to design options for a cooperative adaptive operation policy for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (the largest dam in Africa regarding power capacity), considering performance metrics across Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Mohammed Basheer is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering. His research is on water resources systems planning and management, focusing on hydropower planning and operations, water resources economics, and the water-energy-food nexus. He uses interdisciplinary approaches to address a socially urgent question: “How to plan and operate sustainable infrastructure in water resource systems considering engineering and socio-economic aspects to provide water, energy, and food services while addressing future environmental, technological, and socio-economic uncertainties?”. To address this issue, Dr. Basheer and his group develop analytical frameworks for designing efficient infrastructure, operations, and policy interventions in water resource systems.
Dr. Basheer leads and was involved in research and consultancy projects in various regions worldwide, including North, West, and East Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Current and recent collaborating organizations include the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the European Commission, and the International Food Policy Research Institute.
Contact: mohammed.basheer@utoronto.ca
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/uoft-centre-for-climate-science-and-engineering-lecture-series-feb-2024-tickets-819729191077