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SyNRGS: Symposium for New Research in Groundwater Science

University of Toronto, St. George Campus

Dates Abstract Submission Opens: May 1st Registration Opens: May 1st Abstract Submission Ends: August 27th Abstract Acceptance Notification: September 8th Registration Ends: Sept 12th   Symposium for New Research in Groundwater Science (SyNRGS) is an opportunity for groundwater contamination and remediation community from Ontario and vicinity to share ideas, give feedback to students, and build collaborative […]

2016 CivMin Career Fair

Civil+Mineral Engineering brings you the annual career fair on Thursday, January 7, 2016. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the lobby of the Medical Sciences Building at 1 King's College Circle The Career Fair has been an annual tradition in our Department for close to 20 years. The Career Fair is an opportunity for […]

Leaders in Mining Speakers Series: Bob Rae on “Corporate Social Responsibility & The Ring of Fire”

Corporate Social Responsibility & The Ring of Fire “Leaders in Mining Speakers Series” Speaker: Bob Rae, Senior Partner, Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP Moderator: Kyle Stanfield, P. Eng., Director, Environment & Sustainability, New Gold Inc. Synopsis: The Ring of Fire—a proposed large-scale chromite mining and smelting development—is located directly in the traditional territories of a number […]

2016 PDAC Alumni & Friends Reception

Attending the PDAC Convention this year? Join the University of Toronto’s Lassonde Institute of Mining and Department of Earth Sciences at a joint networking reception for alumni and friends in the mining and minerals industries. Snacks and drinks will be served. Registration is mandatory. Please register here.

2016 Spring Reunion Lunch & Tour

Join us for an informal lunch on the 4th floor of the newly renovated Lassonde Mining Building. After the lunch, you can sit back and reminisce with your friends or join us for a tour of the Department and our other key facilities.

PDAC Alumni & Friends Reception 2017

Attending the PDAC Convention this year? Join the University of Toronto's Lassonde Institute of Mining and Department of Earth Sciences at a joint networking reception for alumni and friends in the minerals and mining industries. Light snacks and drinks will be served. Additional drinks available for purchase. Registration is not mandatory, but preferred.