Alumni News

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CivMin remembers Dr. Evert Hoek (1933-2024), a founding father of rock mechanics and rock engineering


CivMin alumni and Cast Connex founders featured on Dean’s Podcast

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Top U of T undergraduate Jeff Chen fell in love with the process of learning

Charles and Grant

CivMin Grads to Watch 2024

TORONTO: MAY 7, 2024 — CIV 5T8 ALUM — A photo of alumnus Robert James, Class of Civ 5T8, with his Arbor Award on Friday, May 24, 2024. James also displayed his original Iron Ring. The Arbor Award was announced at a ceremony in January 2024, but James was unable to attend. Instead, the framed certificate and pin was delivered to him by Phill and Barry Hitchcock. (Photo by Phill Snel, CivMin/University of Toronto)

Arbor Award belatedly received by 5T8’s Robert James


Running a sweet family business : Engineering alumni siblings tap a maple syrup venture

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Paul Cadario (CivE 7T3), exemplary volunteer, mentor and philanthropist, recognized with the Rose Wolfe Distinguished Alumni Award

Professor Jason Hawkins (CivE PhD 1T1) of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering.

Eric Pas Dissertation Prize awarded to CivMin alumnus Jason Hawkins (CivE PhD 1T1)

Barry Hitchcock (CivE 5T8, L), Robert James (CivE 5T8) and Andrew Wong (CivE 9T1).

Three CivMin alumni receive Arbor Awards

TORONTO: JANUARY 17, 2024 — ROSS LAWRENCE FIRESIDE CHAT — A photo from the Ross Lawrence (5T6) Fireside Chat on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 on the fourth floor of the Lassonde Mining Building at the University of Toronto. The event with special alumnus guest speaker, a recent inductee into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame (CMHF), was hosted by the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering for largely undergraduate Lassonde Mineral Engineering Students. (Photo by Phill Snel, CivMin)

Treat for LME students: Fireside chat with alumnus Ross Lawrence 


MEngCEM 2T3 Alumna Profile: Alexandra Labuda

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CivMin alumnus places second in Toronto Ward 20 byelection