Alumni News

Alumnus Arun Channan’s (CivE 8T0) background in civil engineering influenced him to become a dedicated volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. (Courtesy: Arun Channan)

Arun Channan: hands-on with Habitat for Humanity

Hana Zalzal

Hana Zalzal: Professional makeup maven

6T5 reunion

Skule Days, 1961-1965

Alumnus Michael Montgomery (pictured) and Professor Constantin Christopoulos are behind Kinetica, a startup making buildings earthquake resistant.

Kinetica: engineering safer buildings in Toronto, China and worldwide

A scale model of the original Tim Hortons store in Hamilton, Ont. (Photo: Our Home & Miniature Land)

Oh, Canada! Meet the CivE 8T5 alumnus behind Our Home & Miniature Land