As we gear up for the 2022-23 academic year, we’re checking in with the newly-elected leaders of CivMin’s various clubs. Here’s our Q&A with Civ Club Chair Kent Straky (Year 4 CivE):
What is CivClub?
The Civil Engineering Club, or Civ Club for short, is a student-run organization that aims to represent and strengthen the Civil Engineering student body through social and academic activities and initiatives.
What does Civ Club do?
Civ Club organizes several events and services throughout the year with the intent of supporting the community through an academic, social, and professional lens. This includes running student socials, networking events, midterm preps, mentorship opportunities, as well as health and wellness resources. In addition, CivClub is in constant communication with the Department and Faculty for issues the student body may bring to our attention.
How did you get involved?
After concluding first year, many clubs opened applications for executive positions which drew my eye. I joined the Troitsky model bridge team as Logistics Director, and Civ Club as the Director of Finance. These experiences opened my eyes to the strength of the Civil Engineering community and gave me lifelong friends and connections. I continued to grow within these organizations with the hopes of supporting others through the various platforms, leading me to the position of Civ Club Chair.
In-Person events are finally back in full swing. How does Civ Club plan to take advantage of this to engage students more than we’ve been able to in the last couple of years?
With in-person events back in full swing, Civ Club has the opportunity to repair the traditionally strong Civil community by running socials and reintroducing classic events. We plan to host the CivMin Dinner Dance, organize community outings, run food sales, and much more. We also have an amazing mentorship program and will be opening the common room with some fresh improvements. With this being the first year fully in-person, we want to focus our efforts on making campus a hub for engagement, as well as prep students for in person studies which may include different strategies then that of online.
Do you have any helpful hints for new students to be successful academically and socially? Favourite places to study or grab a bite to eat on or near campus?
For me, the best way to do well with academics is to make sure you are organized. With many classes and a breadth of assignments, it can be challenging to know when to do what and can often lead to cramming. Make sure you prepare a good system for organizing your academics in addition to scheduling personal time for your own health and wellbeing.
In terms of being successful socially, the advice I would give is don’t be afraid to schedule lots of your time for friends and family. Overwhelming your schedule with constant schoolwork won’t give you the chance to relax and mentally prep for the days to come. Put the books down and go out with your friends, it’s just as important.
In terms of food spots, two have been critical for my success at U of T, including the MedSci building, and Browns Food Truck in front of Sidney Smith. Do yourself a favour and check them out!
How can students get involved with CivC lub?
Send us an email at general@civ.skule.ca if you want to get involved! You can also check out our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages. We will be electing a first-year representative in September, so stay tuned for updates!
By David Goldberg