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Intermittent Water Supply

In a city like Toronto, the water never stops running. There’s always pressure conveniently pushing clean water into our homes for on-demand consumption.  But that’s not how the whole world […]

Natural Purification

The aquarium on the fourth floor of the Galbraith Building is a pleasant reminder to Prof. Susan Andrews of her many trips to the Caribbean through the years, but it also makes her lament the […]

Groundwater Remediation

This year’s theme for World Water Day 2022 is ‘Groundwater: ‘Making the Invisible Visible’ and groundwater just so happens to be the research specialty of Department Chair Prof. Brent Sleep. […]

Water Reuse

Would you wake up one morning and drink a glass of water that your neighbour down the street used a few days ago to take a shower?  That’s the reality […]

Monitoring MIcroplastics

Every year millions of tonnes of plastic make their way into our waterways. Over time, larger plastics break down into tiny pieces that can infiltrate lakes and rivers which serve […]

Zoe Hoskin

Background I’m a MASc student in the Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto, under the joint supervision of Professor Jeffrey Siegel and Professor Sarah Haines. […]

Alex Mendell

Background I came to the University of Toronto after completing my B.Eng. in Civil Engineering at McGill University. My interest in buildings focuses on how they impact the health and […]
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