Posts By: Dept. of Civil + Mineral Engineering
The heart of the Rock Fracture Dynamics Facility is a technologically advanced true-triaxial computer controlled rock deformation system with integral permeability measurement and geophysical imaging capability. For the first time, it is possible […]
Hydraulic fracturing is the initiation and propagation of a fracture by means of fluid pressurization. Hydraulic fracturing has grown in popularity over the past couple of decades in response to […]
New U of T Engineering research shows that adoption of self-driving cars — also known as autonomous vehicles (AVs) — could significantly reduce the amount of valuable urban space dedicated […]
Here at Building Tall Research Centre at University of Toronto, we harness the power of machine intelligence and advances in robotics to design and implement innovative solutions for smart construction […]
Mega projects are the major mode of development across the engineering sectors of infrastructure, energy, and mining. Including other fields with similar delivery models such as defence, aerospace, and global […]
Factors Affecting Safety Performance of Construction Workers Introduction Safety is a critical issue in the construction industry. Although it has been broadly researched from many perspectives, continuous improvement in […]
The objectives of this research are to (a) Develop the conceptual and computational architecture for an agent-based microsimulation framework for goods movement and firm behaviour, and (b) Formulate and estimate a set […]
This research addresses the issue of GHG emissions and community exposure to air pollutants emitted by trucks. Air pollution is a major health (and health cost) issue for Ontarians, especially […]
The purpose of this project is to use electronic on-board recorder data to develop a public sector decision-support tool that has the capability of predicting patterns of commercial vehicle tours, […]
Showing 11 - 20 of 183 results