Heather MacLean
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering
Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Systems and Technology Assessment
Vice Dean Strategy, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
Email: heatherl.maclean@utoronto.ca
Office: Deans House
Tel: 416-946-5056
Sustainable Infrastructure
My overall aim is to advance scientific and engineering knowledge in the developing field of systems analysis for sustainable engineering. My primary area of research involves developing and applying life cycle assessment and techno-economic methods to evaluate the technical and externality impacts of conventional and alternative energy and transportation systems and elements of the built environment more generally. The research is interdisciplinary, incorporating civil, environmental, chemical and mechanical engineering, economics and public policy components to name a few. I collaborate with both the public and private sectors on the research projects.
Citation | Type |
See over 80 citations on Google Scholar | Peer Reviewed Journals |
Luo, C., MacLean, H.L., Hoornweg, D. A spatial planning approach to assessing energy resource flows in African cities, SETUSA 2017 Conference, Accra, Ghana. June 19-20, 2017. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Luk, J.M., Kim, H.C., De Kleine, R., Wallington, T.J., MacLean, H.L. Impact of Powertrain Type on Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions of a Real World Lightweight Glider. SAE Technical Paper. SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1274, 2017, doi: 10.4271/2017-01-1274. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Mendoza Gonzalez, E., Saucedo Martínez, J.A. MacLean, H.L. Mathematical Model of Intermodal Transport, Incorporating Sustainability. Congreso Internacional de Logística y Cadena de Suministro (CiLOG2016). Merida, Mexico. October 5-7. 2016. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Luo, C. MacLean, H.L., Hay, A. Improving the Resilience of Buildings: An Integrated Approach to Measuring Optimum Density. Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Conference, Toronto, Canada, September 19-20, 2016. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Freire-Gormaly, H. MacLean, A. Bazylak, MicroCT Investigations and Pore Network Reconstructions of Limestone and Carbonate-Based Rocks for Deep Geologic Carbon Sequestration, ASME 2012 - 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, July 23-26, 2012, San Diego, California. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Hoy, G., Misra, A., Mostafa, T., Roorda, M.J., MacLean, H.L., Verifying The Accuracy Of Emissions Modelling In An Urban Setting Using Microsimulation, Canadian Transportation Research Forum, 47th Annual Conference, Calgary, June 3-6, 2012. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Raykin, L., MacLean, H.L., and Roorda, M. J. Implications of driving patterns on well-to-wheel performance of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting; January 22-26 2012, Washington, D.C. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Sarathy, M.S., Zhang, Y., M. Griffin, Thomson, M.J., MacLean, H.L. Life Cycle Assessment of Butanol for Use in Transportation Applications. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering Conference. Montreal, August 23-26th, 2009. | Refereed Conference Papers |
McKellar, J.M., Charpentier, A.D., Bergerson, J.A., MacLean, H.L. A Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Perspective on Liquid Fuels from Canadian and U.S. Unconventional Fossil Sources. Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-08), Istanbul, Turkey, July 6-10, 2008. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Fleming, J., Habibi, S., MacLean, H.L., Brinkman, N. Evaluating the Sustainability of Producing Hydrogen from Biomass through Well-to-Wheel Analyses. 2005 Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress. Detroit, MI. April 11-14, 2005. SAE Transactions (also published as peer-reviewed journal publication under the SAE Transactions designation – see above). 2005-01-1552. | Refereed Conference Papers |
MacLean, H.L., Lave, L.B., Griffin, M., Joshi, S. Evaluation of Lignocellulosic Ethanol to Fuel the USA-Canadian Light Duty Transportation Fleet. Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers Environmental Sustainability Conference, April 8-10, 2002. Graz, Austria. 2001-01-3739. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Lave, L.B., MacLean, H.L. An Environmental-Economic Evaluation of Hybrid Electric and other Advanced Vehicles. Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers Environmental Sustainability Conference, April 8-10, 2002. Graz, Austria. 2001-01-3738. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Lave, L.B., MacLean, H.L. Cobas-Flores, E. Evaluating the Environmental Advantages of Advanced Vehicles. Future Transportation Technologies Conference. Society of Automotive Engineers. Conference, August 2000. CA. 2000-01-3102. | Refereed Conference Papers |
MacLean, H.L., Lave, L.B. Addressing Vehicle Equivalency to Facilitate Meaningful Automobile Comparisons. Society of Automotive Engineers, Total Life Cycle Conference, April 26-28, 2000. Detroit, MI. 2000-01-1474. | Refereed Conference Papers |
MacLean, H.L., Lave, L.B. Alternative Vehicle Power Sources: Towards a Life Cycle Inventory Meeting Where Presented: Total Life Cycle Conference and Exposition, April 26-28, 2000. Detroit, MI. 2000-01-1478. | Refereed Conference Papers |
Saville, B.A., Griffin, W.M., MacLean, H.L. Ethanol use in the US: Status, threats and the potential future. pp. 164-181. In: Global Bioethanol: Evolution, Risks, and Uncertainties, S. Salles-Filho, (ed). Elsevier. 2016. | Book Chapters |
Griffin, W.M., Saville, B.A., MacLean, H.L. Ethanol production technologies in the US: Status and future developments. pp. 34-62. In: Global Bioethanol: Evolution, Risks, and Uncertainties, S. Salles-Filho, (ed). Elsevier. 2016. | Book Chapters |
Nizami, A-S., Saville, B.A., MacLean, H.L. Anaerobic Digesters: Perspectives and Challenges in Bioenergy Production by Anaerobic Digestion Using Agricultural Biomass and Organic Waste . Korres, N.E., O’Kiely, P., Benzie, J.A.H. Eds. Earthscan from Rutledge. Oxon. 2013. pp. 139-151. | Book Chapters |
Zhang, Y., Spatari, S., McKechnie, J., MacLean, H.L. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Lignocellulose-to-Bioalcohol Production in Bioalcohol Production: Biochemical Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass . K. Waldron, Ed. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge, UK. 2010. pp 365-390. | Book Chapters |
MacLean, H.L. Part Two: Electricity's Role in Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Energy Use – Introduction in Current Affairs: Perspectives on Electricity Policy for Ontario. Reeve, D., Dewees D.N., and Karney, B.W. Eds. University of Toronto Press. 2010. Pp. 35-39. | Book Chapters |
MacLean, H.L., Duchin, F., Hagelüken,C., Halada, K., Kesler, S., Moriguchi, Y., Mueller, D., Norgate, T., Reuter, M., van der Voet, E. Mineral Resources: Stocks, Flows and Prospects in Linkages of Sustainability . Graedel, T.E. and van der Voet, E. Eds. Ernst Strungmann Forum. 2010. MIT Press and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. Pp. 199-218. | Book Chapters |
Matthews, H. S., F. McMichael, L. Lave, MacLean, H.L. Life Cycle Analysis as a Tool for Product Design in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology , K. H. J. Buschow et al. Eds. Pergamon. 2008. | Book Chapters |
Hendrickson, C.T., Lave, L.B., Matthews, H.S., Horvath, A., Joshi, S., McMichael, F.C., MacLean, H.L., Cicas, G., Matthews, D., Bergerson, J. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Goods and Services. Resources for the Future (RFF) Press. 2006. | Book Chapters |
Matthews, S., L. Lave, MacLean, H.L. Life Cycle Impact Analysis: A Challenge for Risk Analysts in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice . Paustenbach, D. Ed. Wiley Inc. 2002. | Book Chapters |
McKellar, J., Bergerson, J.A., MacLean, H.L. Transforming Energy: Powering Tomorrow Begins with Using Less Today. Alternatives Journal Special Issue. Canada’s Map to Sustainability. 2015. 41(1):52-56. | Popular Press Articles |
Pourbafrani, M., McKechnie, J., Saville, B.A., MacLean, H.L. Bioplastic Products from Citrus Waste Bioplastics MAGAZINE. Polymedia Publisher GmbH. April 2013. (Invited). Refereed. | Popular Press Articles |
MacLean, Heather. Improving Sustainability. Autoplant Supplement. March 2005. 26. (Invited) | Popular Press Articles |
Duval, D., MacLean, H.L. Keeping the Options Open. Environmental Finance. 6(2). 2004. 29. | Popular Press Articles |