John Harrison
W.M. Keck Chair in Engineering Mechanics
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering
Email: john.harrison@utoronto.ca
Office: MB120A
Tel: 416-978-1634
Mining Engineering/ Rock Mechanics
Professor Harrison joined the Department of Civil Engineering and the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program in October 2010 from Imperial College, UK, as the Keck Chair of Engineering Rock Mechanics. His main research interests are in the unpredictability of the properties of fractured rock masses, particularly with regard to rock engineering design. He is currently the convenor of a pan-European group of experts that is investigating the future development of rock engineering design within the European geotechnical engineering design code Eurocode 7. A UK Chartered Civil Engineer, Professor Harrison has published many scientific papers, books and book chapters, and regularly acts as a consultant to the civil, mining and petroleum engineering sectors.
Anmol Bedi
- Research student at Imperial College London, UK
- Thesis title: A proposed framework for characterising uncertainty and variability in rock mechanics and rock engineering
- Successfully defended on 18 July 2013
Nezam Bozorgzadeh
Ph.D in Epistemic uncertainty and rock engineering limit state design
Commenced September 2012