Matthew J. Roorda

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA; NOVEMBER 3, 2022  — HEADSHOT DAY:  Matt Roorda — A portrait/headshot/mugshot of Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering (CivMin) personnel on Thursday, November 3, 2022. 
(Photo by Rick Chard for the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto)

Matthew J. Roorda


Associate Chair, Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program 

Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering

Canada Research Chair in Freight Transportation and Logistics

Office: SF3001E
Tel: 416-978-5976


Areas of Specialization: 



Matt Roorda's research program covers both urban freight and passenger travel research initiatives. The research provides challenging and impactful opportunities for graduate students.  There is a strong and on-going need for our research to assess the impacts of many policy decisions being made by our government representatives, and by industry every day.  Our research influences those decisions, resulting in a more sustainable, efficient and equitable urban transportation system.

Urban Freight Data and Modelling

Urban freight research is underway to develop the state of freight data in the Greater Toronto Area through data collection initiatives.  This is an essential first step in developing behavioural models of decision-making by the various actors involved in the freight system including shippers, carriers, logistics firms, etc.  Armed with a better understanding of such behaviour, we are developing forecasting models of commercial vehicle movements, that are sensitive to government policy, changes in logistics processes and changes in the global and regional economy.

Freight Optimization

We work extensively with private sector corporations to develop more efficient and more sustainable logistics solutions.  We conduct extensive research in the field of City Logistics, for example, the use of night-time deliveries to avoid congestion, the impacts of alternative fuelled vehicles on air quality, more efficient vehicle routing more coordinated parking and loading solutions.


Passenger Transportation Analysis

Our passenger travel initiatives emphasize on developing improved methods for representing human behaviour that leads to travel on urban roadways, on transit systems, and by other modes such as cycling and walking.  The emphasis of this research includes activity based methods of forecasting travel demand, analysis of complete streets and the microsimulation of traffic, emissions and exposure to vehicle pollutants.

Research Interests


Galal, A.M.A., Donmez, B. and Roorda, M.J. (2023). Improving Truck Driver and Vulnerable Road User Interactions through Driver Training: An Interview Study with Canadian Subject Matter Experts. Transportation Research Record.Refereed Journals Publications
Zhang, S., Le, T. and Roorda, M.J. (2023).  Optimizing Parcel Locker Locations in a City Crowd Logistics Network.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M., Ornelas, D.A., Park, P. and Roorda, M.J. (2023). Managing Parking with Progressive Pricing.  Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 149 AprilRefereed Journals Publications
Wang, B., Nourinejad, M., Bascuñán, O. and Roorda, M. (2022).  Parking Survey Design Using Gamification.  Transportation Research Procedia.Refereed Journals Publications
Ahmed, U., Hawkins, J., and Roorda, M.J. (2022) Establishment Location Choice Model Considering Intra-firm Interactions. Journal of Transport Geography. 102. 103391.Refereed Journals Publications
Saleh, M., Chowdhury, T., Vaughan, J., Wang, A., Mousavi, K., Roorda, M.J., Hatzopoulou, M. (2022).  Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Off-peak Commercial Deliveries.  Transportation Part D: Transport and Environment. 109: 103360.Refereed Journals Publications
Ahmed. U., Tu, R., Xu, J., Amirjamshidi, G., Hatzopoulou, M., Roorda, M.J. (2022). GPS Based Traffic Condition Classification using Machine Learning Approaches.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (2022).  Locating Urban Consolidation Centers Under Shipper Rationality.  Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2022: 5078042Refereed Journals Publications
Hawkins, J., Nurul Habib, K. Ahmed, U., Roorda, M. (2022). Measuring the Process of Urban Gentrification: A Composite Measure of the Gentrification Process in Toronto. Cities. 126.Refereed Journals Publications
Ahmed, U., Roorda M.J. (In Press).  Joint and Sequential Models for Freight Vehicle Type and Shipment Size Choice.  Transportation. 1-17.  DOI 10.1007/s11116-022-10289-6Refereed Journals Publications
Ahmed, U., Roorda, M.J. (2022). Modelling Carrier Type and Vehicle Type Choice of Small and Medium Size Firms.  Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.  160: 102655.Refereed Journals Publications
Chowdhury, T., Vaughan, J., Saleh, M., Mousavi, K., Hatzopoulou, M., Roorda, M.J. (2022). Modeling the Impacts of Off-peak Delivery in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. This paper was awarded the Transportation Research Board Urban Freight Transportation Best Applied Research Paper Award.Refereed Journals Publications
Bahrami, S., Roorda, M. (2022).  Autonomous Vehicle Parking Policies:  A Case Study in the City of Toronto.  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.  155: 283-296.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (2021). Cruising for Parking with Autonomous and Conventional Vehicles.  Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2021: 6269995.Refereed Journals Publications
Ahmed, U. and Roorda, M.J. (2022).  Modelling Freight Vehicle Type Choice using Machine Learning and Discrete Choice Methods. Transportation Research Record. 2676(2): 541-552. Journals Publications
Mousavi, K., Bodur, M. and Roorda, M.J. (2022). Stochastic Last-Mile Delivery with Crowd-Shipping and Mobile Depots.  Transportation Science. 56(3): 612-630.Refereed Journals Publications
Xu, J., Tu, R., Ahmed. U., Amirjamshidi, G., Hatzopoulou, M., Roorda, M.J. (2021). An Eco-Score System Incorporating Driving Behavior, Vehicle Characteristics, and Traffic Conditions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 95: 102866.Refereed Journals Publications
Mousavi, K., Khan, S., Saiyed, S., Amirjamshidi, G., Roorda, M.J. (2021). Pilot Off-peak Delivery Program in the Region of Peel.  Sustainability. 13(1): 246.Refereed Journals Publications
Li, Z., Shalaby, A., Roorda, M.J. and Mao, B.  (2021). Urban Rail Service Design for Collaborative Passenger and Freight Transport.  Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 147:1-23.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M., Gandomi, A. and Roorda, M.J. (2020).  Illegal Parking and Optimal Enforcement Policies with Search Friction.  Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 141: 102026.Refereed Journals Publications
Kasraian, D., Adhikari, S,. Kossowsky, D., Luubert, M., Hall, B., Hawkins, J., Nurul Habib, K., Roorda, M., (2020).  Evaluating Pedestrian Perceptions of Street Design with a 3D Stated Preference Survey.  Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.Refereed Journals Publications
Bahrami, S., and Roorda, M.J. (2020).  Optimal Traffic Management Policies for Mixed Human and Automated Traffic Flows. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 135:130-143.Refereed Journals Publications
Bahrami, S., Roorda, M.J. (2020). Optimal Operations of an Automated Vehicle Parking Lot. Transportmetrica A: Transportation Science. 16(3), 1604-1627.Refereed Journals Publications
Minet, L., Chowdbury, T., Wang, A., Gai, Y., Posen, D., Roorda, M. Hatzopoulou, M. (2020).  Quantifying the air quality and health benefits of greening freight movements.  Environmental Research. 183: 109193.Refereed Journals Publications
Deng, P., Amirjamshidi, G. and Roorda, M.J. (2020).  A vehicle routing problem with movement synchronization of drones, sidewalk robots, or foot-walkers.  Transportation Research Procedia. 46, 29-36.Refereed Journals Publications
Bahrami, S., Nourinejad, M., Amirjamshidi, G. and Roorda, M.J. (2020) The Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicle Routing Problem: A Power-Management Strategy Model.  Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 111: 318-333.Refereed Journals Publications
Stogios, C., Kasraian, D., Roorda, M.J. and Hatzopoulou M. (2019). Simulating Impacts of Automated Driving Behaviour and Traffic Conditions on Vehicle Emissions.  Transportation Research Part D. Transport and Environment. 76:176-192.Refereed Journals Publications
Kloostra, B., and Roorda, M.J. (2019) Fully Autonomous Vehicles: Analyzing Transportation Network Performance and Operating Scenarios in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada.  Transportation Planning and Technology. 42(2): 99-112.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M., Bahrami, S. and Roorda, M.J. (2018) Designing Parking Facilities for Autonomous Vehicles.  Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 109:110-127.Refereed Journals Publications
Zhu, S., Amirjamshidi, G. , and Roorda, M.J. (2018). Data Fusion of Commercial Vehicle GPS and Roadside Intercept Survey Data.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.Refereed Journals Publications
Jahangiriesmaili, M., Roorda, M.J., Bachmann, C. and Allen R. (2018). Assessment of Canada’s Transportation System Under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.Refereed Journals Publications
Amirjamshidi, G. and Roorda, M.J. (2017). Multi-objective Calibration of Traffic Microsimulation Models. Transportation Letters .Refereed Journals Publications
Zhou, T ., Roorda, M., MacLean, H. , and Luk, J. (2017).  Life Cycle Emissions and Life Time Costs of Medium-duty Diesel and Battery Electric Trucks. A Case Study of Toronto, Canada. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 55: 91-98.Refereed Journals Publications
Harris, T., Nourinejad, M. and M.J. Roorda (2017).  A Mesoscopic Simulation Model for Airport Curbside Management. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2017.Refereed Journals Publications
Bahrami, S., Aashtiani, H.Z., Nourinejad, M. , and Roorda, M.J. (2017).  A Complementarity Equilibrium Model for Electric Vehicles with Charging. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 6 (4):  255-271.Refereed Journals Publications
Hui, N., Saxe, S. , Roorda, M.J, Hess, P. and Miller, E.J. (2018).  Measuring the Completeness of Complete Streets. Transport Reviews 38(1): 73-95.  DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2017.1299815Refereed Journals Publications
Mostafa, T. and Roorda, M.J. (2017). Discrete Choice Modeling of Freight Outsourcing Decisions of Canadian Manufacturers. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2610.Refereed Journals Publications
Jahangiriesmaili, M., Bahrami, S. and Roorda, M.J. (2017). Two-Echelon Facility Location Problems Using Approximation Methods. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2610.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (2017). Impact of Hourly Parking Pricing on Travel Demand.  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.Refereed Journals Publications
Rashidi, T. and Roorda, M.J. (2017). A Business Establishment Fleet Ownership and Composition Model.  Transportation.Refereed Journals Publications
Yasmin, F. , Morency C., and Roorda, M.J. (2017). Macro-, Meso-, and Micro-level Validation of an Activity-based Travel Demand Model. Paper accepted in  Transportmetrica Part A: Transport Science  13(3): 222-249.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (In press). A Continuous Approximation Model for the Fleet Composition Problem on the Rectangular Grid. Paper accepted in  Operations Research Spectrum.  (submitted April 27, 2016; resubmitted May 7, 2016; accepted July 22, 2016).Refereed Journals Publications
Cochrane, K., Roorda, M.J., Saxe, S. and Shalaby, A. (2017). Moving Freight on Public Transit: Best Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities.  International Journal of Sustainable Transportation  11(2): 120-132. (submitted July 9, 2015; Reviews received November 9, 2015; resubmitted March 14, 2016; Resubmitted May 30, 2016; Accepted May 31, 2016)Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (In press). Parking Enforcement Policies for Commercial Vehicles. Paper accepted in  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice  (Submitted October 24, 2015; resubmitted February 22, 2016; accepted April 12, 2016).Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M., Chow, Y.J. and Roorda, M.J. (2016). Equilibrium Scheduling of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology using Activity Based Modelling.  Transportation Research Part C  65: 79-96. (submitted May 28, 2015; reviews received July 15, 2015; resubmitted Nov 1, 2015; conditional accepted Dec 22, 2015; accepted February 3, 2016).Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., Roorda, M.J. and C. Kennedy (2016). Global Trade Creation, Trade Diversion, And Economic Impacts From Changing Global Transport Costs.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board  2598. (submitted June 2, 2015; committee ADD10; conditionally accepted (revise and review), Oct 12, 2015; resubmitted Nov 16, 2015; accepted Feb 3, 2016).Refereed Journals Publications
Rosenfield, A., Lamers, J., Nourinejad, M., and Roorda M.J. (2016). Investigation of Commercial Vehicle Parking Permits in Toronto.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board  2547:11-18. (submitted July 31, 2015; committee AHB35; resubmitted Nov 16, 2015). DOI 10.3141/2547-02.Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., Kennedy, C. and Roorda, M.J. (2015). Estimating Regional Trade Flows Using Commercial Vehicle Survey Data.  Annals of Regional Science . 54(3): 855-876. (submitted December 6, 2014; resubmitted June 11, 2015; accepted August 4, 2015; Available online).Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (2016). Agent Based Model for Dynamic Ridesharing.  Transportation Research Part C . 64: 117-132. (submitted April 2014; Resubmitted August 21, 2014; Response received January 21, 2015; resubmitted Feb 25, 2015; accepted subject to minor revisions July 6, 2015; Accepted July 29, 2015).Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M., Zhu, S., Bahrami, S. and Roorda, M.J. (2015). Vehicle Relocation and Staff Rebalancing in One-Way Carsharing Systems.  Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review . 81: 98-113. (submitted October 12, 2014; first response Nov 12, 2014, response due April 2, 2015; accepted June 24, 2015).Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M., Zhu, S., Bahrami, S. and Roorda, M.J. (2015). Vehicle Relocation and Staff Rebalancing in One-Way Carsharing Systems.  Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review . 81: 98-113.Refereed Journals Publications
Edrissi, A., Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (2015). Transportation Network Reliability in Emergency Response.  Transportation Research Part E  80: 56-73.Refereed Journals Publications
Yasmin, F., Morency, C. and M.J. Roorda. (2015).  Assessment of Spatial Transferability of an Activity-based Model, TASHA.  Transportation Research Part A:  Policy and Practice  78:200-213.Refereed Journals Publications
Wenneman, A., Nurul Habib, K.M., and Roorda, M.J. (2015).  A Disaggregate Analysis of the Relationships between Commercial Vehicle Parking Citations, Parking Supply, and Parking Demand.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board  2478: 28-34.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M.  and Roorda, M.J. (2015).  Carsharing Operations Policies: A Comparison between One-Way and Two-Way Systems.  Transportation.   42(3): 497-518.Refereed Journals Publications
Yasmin, F., Morency, C. and Roorda, M.J. (2015).  Trend analysis of activity generation attributes over time.  Transportation.Refereed Journals Publications
Amirjamshidi, G. and Roorda, M.J. (2015). Development of Simulated Driving Cycles for Light, Medium, and Heavy Duty Trucks: Case of the Toronto Waterfront Area.  Transportation Research Part D . 34:255-266.Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., M.J. Roorda, and C. Kennedy (2015).  Developing a Multi-Scale, Multi-Region Input Output Model.  Economic Systems Research.  27(2): 172-193.Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., Chingcuanco, F., MacLean, H., and M.J. Roorda (2014). Life Cycle Assessment of Diesel-Electric Hybrid and Conventional Diesel Trucks for Deliveries.  ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering . 141(4): 05014008.Refereed Journals Publications
Rudra, M. and M.J. Roorda (2014).  Truck-Only Lanes on Urban Arterials: A Value of Time Approach.   Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences . 125 pp. 75-83.Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., C. Kennedy and M.J. Roorda (2014).  Applications of Random Utility Based Multi-Region Input–Output Models of Transport and the Spatial Economy. Tr ansport Reviews . 34(4): 418-440.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M., Wenneman, A., Nurul Habib, K.  and M.J. Roorda (2014) Truck Parking In Urban Areas: Application of Choice Modelling Within Traffic Microsimulation.  Transportation Research Part A . 64:54-64.Refereed Journals Publications
Nourinejad, M. and Roorda, M.J. (2014).  A Dynamic Carsharing Decision Support System.  Transportation Research Part E .  66C: 36-50.Refereed Journals Publications
Cavalcante R. and M. J. Roorda (2013). Freight Market Interactions Simulation (FREMIS): An Agent-Based Modeling Framework. Procedia Computer Science.19: 867-973.Refereed Journals Publications
Sharman, B. and Roorda, M.J. (2013).  Multilevel Modelling of Commercial Vehicle Inter-Arrival Duration Using GPS Data.  Transportation Research Part E:  Logistics and Transportation Review . 56(2): 94-107.Refereed Journals Publications
McCabe, S., Kwan, H. and Roorda, M.J. (2013).  Comparing GPS and Non-GPS Survey Methods for Collecting Urban Goods and Service Movements.   International Journal of Transport Economics .  40 (2): 183-206.Refereed Journals Publications
Misra, A., MacLean H. and M.J. Roorda (2013).  An Integrated Modelling Approach to Estimate Urban Traffic Emissions.   Atmospheric Environment . 73: 81-91.Refereed Journals Publications
Paez, A., S. Farber, R. Mercado, M. Roorda and C. Morency (2013).  Jobs and the Single Parent:  Accessibility to Employment in Toronto.  Urban Geography  34(6):  815-82.Refereed Journals Publications
Amirjamshidi, G., Mostafa, T., Misra, A., and M.J. Roorda (2013). Integrated Model for Microsimulating Vehicle Emissions, Pollutant Dispersion and Population Exposure.  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment . 18(1): 16-24Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., Abdulhai, B., Roorda, M.J. and B. Moshiri (2013). A Comparative Assessment of Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Techniques for Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation.  Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technologies.  26: 33-48.Refereed Journals Publications
Raykin, L., MacLean, H.L. and M.J. Roorda (2012). Implications of Driving Patterns on Well-to-Wheel Performance of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles.  Environmental Science and Technology . 46(11): 6363-6370.Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., Roorda, M.J., Abdulhai, B. and B. Moshiri (In Press). Fusing a Bluetooth Traffic Monitoring System with Loop Detector Data for Improved Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation. Accepted for publication in  Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and OperationsRefereed Journals Publications
Sharman, B., Roorda, M.J. and K.M.N. Habib (2012). Comparison of Parametric and Non-Parametric Hazard Models of Stop Durations on Urban Commercial Vehicle Tours.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2269 , pp. 117-126.Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., Abdulhai, B., Roorda, M.J. and B. Moshiri (2012). Multisensor Data Integration and Fusion in Traffic Operations and Management. Paper accepted for publication in  Transportation Research Record .Refereed Journals Publications
Dumont, J., A. Shalaby and M.J. Roorda (2012). A GPS-Aided Survey for Assessing Trip Reporting Accuracy and Travel of Students Without Land Lines.  Transportation Planning and Technology . 35(2): 161-173.Refereed Journals Publications
Raykin, L., Roorda, M.J. and H.L. MacLean (2012). Impacts of Driving Patterns on Tank-to-Wheel Energy Use of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles.  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment . 17(3): 243-250.Refereed Journals Publications
Mercado, R., Paez, A., Farber, S., Roorda, M., and C. Morency (2012). Explaining transport mode use of low-income persons for journey to work in urban areas: A case study of Ontario and Quebec.  Transportmetrica  8(3): 157-180.Refereed Journals Publications
Saneinejad, S., Roorda, M.J., and C. Kennedy (2012). Modelling the Impact of Weather Conditions on Active Transportation Travel Behaviour.  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment  17(2): 129-137.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J. (2011). Data Collection Strategies for a Benchmarking Urban Goods Movement Across Canada.  Transportation Letters  3(3) .Refereed Journals Publications
Bachmann, C., M.J. Roorda and B. Abdulhai (2011). Improved Time-to-Collision Definition for Simulating Traffic Conflicts on Truck-Only Infrastructure.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2237.  pp. 31-40.Refereed Journals Publications
Sharman, B. and M.J. Roorda (2011). Analysis of Freight GPS Data: A Clustering Approach for Identifying Trip Destinations. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2246.  pp. 83-91.Refereed Journals Publications
Cavalcante, R. and M.J. Roorda (2011). Bayesian Approach for Identifying Efficient Stated Choice Survey Designs With Reduced Prior Information.  Transportation Research Record 2246.  pp. 38-46.Refereed Journals Publications
Abdelgawad, H., B. Abdulhai, G. Amirjamshidi, M. Whaba, C. Woudsma, M.J. Roorda (2011). Simulation of Exclusive Truck Facilities on Urban Freeways.  ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering.  137(8), pp. 547-562.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M., A. Shalaby, and S. Saneinejad (2011). Comprehensive Transportation Data Collection: A Case Study in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Canada.  ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development  137(2), pp. 193-203 .Refereed Journals Publications
Ruiz, T., and M. Roorda (2011). Assessing Planning Decisions by Activity Type During the Scheduling Process.  Transportmetrica  7(6).Refereed Journals Publications
Morency, C., Paez, A., Roorda, M., Mercado, R. and S. Farber (2010). Distance Traveled in Three Canadian Cities: Spatial Analysis from the Perspective of Vulnerable Population Segments.  Journal for Transport Geography  19 (1): 39-50.Refereed Journals Publications
Farber, S., Páez, A., Mercado, R.G., Roorda, M., and C. Morency (2010). Transport and social exclusion: A time-use investigation of shopping participation in three Canadian cities. Forthcoming in  Transportation .Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M., M. Hain, G. Amirjamshidi, R. Cavalcante, B. Abdulhai, C. Woudsma (2010). Exclusive Truck Facilities in the Toronto Area: Analysis of Truck and Automobile Demand.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2168,  pp. 114-128.Refereed Journals Publications
Mitra, R., R.N. Buliung, and M.J. Roorda (2010). Built Environment Influences on School Travel Mode Choice in Toronto, Canada. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2156 , pp. 150-159.Refereed Journals Publications
Paez, A., R. Mercado, S. Farber, C. Morency and M. Roorda (2010). Accessibility to Health Care Facilities in Montreal Island: An Application of Relative Accessibility Indicators from the Perspective of Senior and Non-Senior Residents.  International Journal of Health Geographics.  9(52).Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M. Paez, A., Morency, C., Mercado, R. and S. Farber (2010). Trip Generation of Vulnerable Populations in Three Canadian Cities: A Spatial Ordered Probit Approach.  Transportation.  37(3): 525-548.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M., Cavalcante, R., McCabe, S., and H. Kwan (2010). A conceptual framework for agent-based modelling of logistics services. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.  46(1): 18-31.Refereed Journals Publications
Paez, A., Mercado, R., Farber, S., Morency, C., and M. Roorda (2010). Relative Accessibility Deprivation Indicators for Urban Settings: Definitions and Application to Food Deserts in Montreal.  Urban Studies . 47(7): 1415-1438.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J., D. Passmore, and E.J. Miller (2009). Including Minor Modes of Transport in a Tour-Based Mode Choice Model with Household Interactions.  ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering.  135(12): 935-945.Refereed Journals Publications
Saneinejad, S., and M.J. Roorda (2009). Application of Sequence Alignment Methods in Clustering and Analysis of Routine Weekly Activity Schedules.  Transportation Letters . 1(3): 197-211.Refereed Journals Publications
Auld, J., Mohammadian, A., and M.J. Roorda (2009). Implementation of a scheduling conflict resolution model in an activity scheduling system.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.2135,  pp. 96-105.Refereed Journals Publications
Morency, C., Roorda, M. and M. Demers (2009). Steps in reserve: Comparing latent walk trips in Toronto and Montreal.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2140 , pp. 111-119.Refereed Journals Publications
El-Tantawy, S.,Djavadian, S., Roorda, M.J. and B. Abdulhai (2009). Safety Evaluation of Truck -Lane Restriction Strategies using Micro-Simulation Modeling.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.2099 , pp. 123-131.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M. J., J. A. Carrasco and E. J. Miller (2009). An Integrated Model of Vehicle Transactions, Activity Scheduling and Mode Choice. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.  43(2): pp. 217-229.Refereed Journals Publications
Buliung, R., M.J. Roorda and T.K. Remmel (2008). Exploring Spatial Variety in Patterns of Activity-Travel Behaviour: Initial Results from the Toronto Travel-Activity Panel Survey (TTAPS).  Transportation . 35(6): 697-722.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J., C. Morency, and K. Woo (2008). Two Cities, Two Realities? A Closer Look at the Evolution of Trip Rates in Toronto and Montreal.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2082,  pp. 156-167.Refereed Journals Publications
Ruiz, T. and M.J. Roorda (2008). Analysis of Planning Decisions During the Activity Scheduling Process.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2054 , pp. 46-55.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J. and T. Ruiz (2008). Long and Short-term Dynamics in Activity Scheduling: A Structural Equations Approach.  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice . 42(3), pp. 545-562.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M. J., E. J. Miller and K. Habib (2008). Validation of TASHA: A 24-Hour Activity Scheduling Microsimulation Model.  Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.  42(2), pp. 360-375.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J. and B.K. Andre (2007). A Stated Adaptation Survey of Scheduling Responses to Delays: Empirical and Preliminary Model Results.  Transportation Research Record 2021.  pp. 45-54.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J., E.J. Miller and N. Kruchten (2006). Incorporating Within-household Interactions Into a Mode Choice Model Using a Genetic Algorithm for Parameter Estimation.  Transportation Research Record 1985.  pp.171-179.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J. and E.J. Miller (2006). Assessing Transportation Policy Using an Activity-Based Microsimulation Model of Travel Demand. ITE Journal.  November Issue.Refereed Journals Publications
Miller, E.J., M.J. Roorda and J.A. Carrasco (2005). A Tour-Based Model of Travel Mode Choice.  Transportation . 32(4): pp. 399-422.Refereed Journals Publications
Doherty, S.T., E. Nemeth, M.J. Roorda and E.J. Miller. (2004). Design and Assessment of the Toronto Area Computerized Household Activity Scheduling Survey.  Transportation Research Record 1894.  pp. 140-149.Refereed Journals Publications
Miller, E.J., M.J. Roorda, M. Haider and A. Mohammadian (2004). Empirical Analysis of Travel and Housing Expenditures in the Greater Toronto, Canada, Area.  Transportation Research Record 1898 . pp. 191-201.Refereed Journals Publications
Miller, E.J. and M.J. Roorda (2003). A Prototype Model of 24-Hour Household Activity Scheduling for the Toronto Area.  Transportation Research Record 1831 . pp. 114-121.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M. J., E.J. Miller and A. Mohammadian. (2000). Toronto Area Car Ownership Study: A Retrospective Interview and its Applications.  Transportation Research Record 1719 . pp. 69-76.Refereed Journals Publications
Aultman-Hall, L., M.J. Roorda and B. Baetz (1997). Using GIS for Evaluation of Neighbourhood Pedestrian Accessibility. ASCE  Journal of Urban Planning and Development . 123 (1): pp. 10-15.Refereed Journals Publications
Roorda, M.J. and E.J. Miller (eds.) (2013).  Travel  Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects.  Select Papers from the 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research.  Lulu Publishers.  (536 pages).  ISBN 978-1-304-71517-3Book
Bhat, C.  and M. J. Roorda (2013).  Workshop Synthesis: Methods for Capturing Multi-Horizon Choices.  In  Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making . (Zmud, J., Lee-Gosselin, M., Munizaga, M.A., Carrasco, J.A. eds.) Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., Binkley, UK. pp. 471-478.Book Chapter
Cassas, J. and M. J. Roorda (2013).  Workshop Synthesis: Alternative Approaches to Freight Surveys.  In  Transport Survey Methods: Best Practice for Decision Making . (Zmud, J., Lee-Gosselin, M., Munizaga, M.A., Carrasco, J.A. eds.) Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., Binkley, UK. pp. 279-286.Book Chapter
Roorda, M.J. Ferdous, N. and A. Nuzzolo (2012). Behavioral Paradigms for Modelling Freight Travel Decision-making. In  Travel Behaviour Research in an Evolving World.  (Pendyala, R. and C. Bhat, eds.) pp. 351-356.Book Chapter
Roorda, M.J., A.H. Meyburg, M. Browne (2009). Surveys on Urban Freight Transport.  Transport Survey Methods: Keeping Up with a Changing World.  (Bonnel, P, M. Lee-Gosselin, J. Zmud and J-L Madre eds.) Emerald, UK.Book Chapter
Roorda, M.J. and E.J. Miller (2005). Strategies for Resolving Activity Scheduling Conflicts: An Empirical Analysis. In  Progress in Activity-Based Analysis . (Timmermans, H. J. P. ed.). Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 203-222.Book Chapter
Roorda, M.J., S.T. Doherty and E.J. Miller (2005). Operationalizing Household Activity Scheduling Models: Addressing Assumptions and Using New Sources of Behavioural Data. In  Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models: Behavioural Foundations.  (Lee-Gosselin, M. and S. Doherty, eds.) Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 61-85.Book Chapter

Presentations & Projects

Agent Based Microsimulation of Freight Transport and Firm Behaviour

The objectives of this research are to (a) Develop the conceptual and computational architecture for an agent-based microsimulation framework for goods movement and firm behaviour, and (b) Formulate and estimate a set […]

A Truck Emissions Simulation Tool for Assessing Green Commercial Vehicle Policy

This research addresses the issue of GHG emissions and community exposure to air pollutants emitted by trucks. Air pollution is a major health (and health cost) issue for Ontarians, especially […]

Dynamic microsimulation modelling of urban commercial vehicle operations using GPS data

The purpose of this project is to use electronic on-board recorder data to develop a public sector decision-support tool that has the capability of predicting patterns of commercial vehicle tours, […]

Developing Urban Goods Movement Data in the GTHA: Framework and Preliminary Implementation

The objective of this project is to address the need for coordinated Urban Goods Movement (UGM) data collection and data management that is suitable to support modelling, analysis and benchmarking […]

Centre for Urban Freight Analysis

The Centre for Urban Freight Analysis is a multi-purpose facility for the advancement of freight research. The Centre consists of the following new physical infrastructure: A dedicated space in the […]

Research Team

The research team (from left): Azin Golrizkhatami, Alia Galal, Farah Ghizzawi, Prof. Matt Roorda (at rear), Timoteo Frelau, Yunhong Tian, Hesam Rashidi, Jacob Klimczak, Mostafa Saneii, Kevin Carr, Usman Ahmed, Carlos Rivera, Yufayel Chowdhury.