CivMin researchers rate among top 2% worldwide in recent ranking

A recently released ranking of the world's top-cited scientists, and the influence of their papers, reveals a number of CivMin professors among them deserving of recognition. The thorough list from Elsevier rates the top 2% of research scientists worldwide.
Our 18 CivMin faculty listed include Professors Evan Bentz, Constantin Christopoulos, (Emeritus) Michael Collins, Tamer El-Diraby, Giovanni Grasselli, Bryan Karney, Khandker Nurul Habib, (Emeritus) Douglas Hooton, Heather MacLean, Eric Miller, Jeffrey Packer, Daman Panesar, Matthew Roorda, Amer Shalaby, Shamim Sheikh, Jeffrey Siegel , Brent Sleep and (Emeritus) Frank Vecchio.
The date range for papers cited is from 1960 to 2022 including nearly 205,000 scientists globally.
CivMin professors listed by category:
Civil Engineering
29 - Vecchio, Frank
125 - Collins, Michael P.
202 - Sheikh, Shamim
330 - Christopoulos, Constantin
375 - Packer, Jeffrey
388 - Bentz, Evan
Building & Construction
76 - Hooton, R. Douglas
315 - Panesar, Daman
448 - Siegel, Jeffrey
Logistics & Transportation
135 - Miller, Eric J.
240 - Habib, Khandker Nurul
454 - Shalaby, Amer
523 - Roorda, Matthew J.
Geological & Geomatics Engineering
333 - Grasselli, Giovanni
Building & Construction
686 - El-Diraby, Tamer
Environmental Engineering
777 - Karney, Bryan
801 - Sleep, Brent
Environmental Sciences
1,874 - MacLean, Heather
The entire list can be downloaded from Elsevier, where the rationale for rankings is described.