Constantin Christopoulos
Canada Research Chair in Seismic Resilience of Infrastructure
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering
Email: c.christopoulos@utoronto.ca
Office: GB236
Tel: 416-978-6238
Critical Resilience
Professor Christopoulos’ research is primarily focused on the development of advanced high-performance structural systems that enhance the dynamic response and seismic resilience of built infrastructure.
The research involves advanced large-scale testing of new structural systems in the Structures Laboratories, simulations using advanced finite element models and the development of new design methods for the implementation of advanced resilient seismic resistant systems.
Professional and Tech Transfer Activities
Professor Christopoulos also acts as a consultant on projects involving the implementation of advanced damping and isolation technologies in structures.
He is also actively involved in the development and transfer into the market of new technologies developed through research carried out at the University of Toronto. He is a co-founder of U of T spinoff companies Cast Connex which specializes in cast steel connections and casting design and Kinetica Dynamics which markets the viscoelastic coupling damper for high-rise buildings.
Pant D., Montgomery, M., Christopoulos, C. 2019. Full-scale testing of a viscoelastic coupling damper for high-rise building applications and comparative evaluation of different numerical models. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. Volume 145, Issue 2, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002246 |
Salmon, J., Agha Beigi, H., and Christopoulos, C. 2019. Full-scale tests of the gapped-inclined bracing system: a seismic retrofit for soft-story buildings. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, accepted for publication. |
Mojiri S., Kwon O.-S. and Christopoulos C. (2018). Development of 10-Element Hybrid Simulator and Adjustable Yielding Brace for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Story Braced Frames Subjected to Earthquakes. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 48:749-771. DOI:10.1002/eqe.3155 |
MacKay-Lyons R., Christopoulos C, & Montgomery M. (2018). Viscoelastic Coupling Dampers (VCDs) for Enhanced Multi-Hazard Level Seismic Performance of High-Rise Buildings. Earthquake Spectra. November 2018, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1847-1867. |
Martyr R and Christopoulos C. (2018). Applying the Cyclic Void Growth Model to Assess the Ultra-Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Steel Castings. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 144, Issue 8 (August 2018), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002059 |
Guo J, Ashasi-Sorkhabi A, Mercan O, & Christopoulos C. (2017). “Real-Time Hybrid Simulation of Structures Equipped with Viscoelastic-Plastic Dampers using a User-Programmable Computational Platform”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11803-017-0408-7 |
Binder J, & Christopoulos C. (2018). Seismic Performance of Hybrid Ductile-Rocking Braced Frame System. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.3022. |
Guo J, & Christopoulos C. (2017). A Probabilistic Framework for Estimating the Residual Displacement of Idealized SDOF Systems of Non-degrading Conventional and Damped Structures. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2975 |
Guo J, & Christopoulos C. (2018). A Predictive Procedure for the Residual Drift of Non-Degrading MDOF Frame Structures. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. Under Review. |
Martyr R, & Christopoulos C. (2017). Applying the Cyclic Void Growth Model to Assess the Ultra-Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Steel Castings. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. |
Koval, V., Christopoulos, C. and Tremblay, R. 2016. “Improvements to the simplified analysis method for the design of seismically isolated bridges in CSA-S6-14”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 43 Issue 10, pp. 897-907. |
Tan, G. K. and Christopoulos, C., 2016. “Development of Replaceable Cast-Steel Links for Eccentrically Braced Frames”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 142, Issue 10. |
Guo J.W.W. and Christopoulos, C., 2016. “Response Prediction, Experimental Characterization and P-Spectra Design of Frames with Viscoelastic-Plastic Dampers”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Volume 45, Issue 11, pp. 1855–1874 |
Guo J.W.W., Daniel Y., Montgomery, M. and Christopoulos C., 2016. “Thermal Mechanical Model for Predicting the Wind and Seismic Response of Viscoelastic Dampers”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 142, Issue 10. |
Pant, D., Montgomery, M. and Christopoulos, C., 2016. “Analytical Study on the Dynamic Properties of Viscoelastically Coupled Shear Walls in High-Rise Buildings”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001247 |
Gray, M., Christopoulos, C. and Packer, J., 2017. “Design and Full-Scale Testing of a Cast Steel Yielding Brace System in a Braced Frame”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Volume 143 Issue 4 - April 2017. |
Agha Beigi, Christopoulos, C., Sullivan, T. and Calvi, G.M., 2016. “Cost Benefit Analysis of Buildings Retrofitted Using GIB Systems”, Earthquake Spectra, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1193/110914EQS185M. |
Agha Beigi, Sullivan, T., Christopoulos, C., and Calvi, G.M., 2015. “Factors Influencing the Repair Costs of Soft-Story RC Frame Buildings and Implications for Their Seismic Retrofit”, Engineering Structures, Volume 101, p. 233-245. |
Wiebe, L. and Christopoulos, C., 2015. “Performance-Based Seismic Design of Controlled Rocking Steel Braced Frames. I: Methodological Framework and Design of Base Rocking Joint”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Volume 141, Issue 9. |
Wiebe, L. and Christopoulos, C., 2015. “Performance-Based Seismic Design of Controlled Rocking Steel Braced Frames. II: Design of Capacity-Protected Elements”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Volume 141, Issue 9. |
Wiebe, L. and Christopoulos, C., 2015. “A Cantilever Beam Analogy for Quantifying Higher Mode Effects in Multistorey Buildings”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Volume 44, Issue 11, p. 1697-1716. |
Agha Beigi, H., Christopoulos, C., Sullivan, T. and Calvi, G.M., 2014. “Gapped-Inclined Braces for Seismic Retrofit”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 140(11), 4014080. |
Montgomery, M. and Christopoulos, C., 2014. “Experimental Validation of Viscoelastic Coupling Dampers (VCDs) for Enhanced Dynamic Performance of High-Rise Buildings”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(5), 04014145. |
Agha Beigi, H., Christopoulos, C., Sullivan, T. and Calvi, G.M., 2014. “Seismic Response of a Case Study Soft Storey Frame Retrofitted Using a GIB System”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 44(7), p .997–1014. |
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R., 2015. “Design, Testing and Detailed Component Modelling of a High-Capacity Self-Centering Energy-Dissipative (SCED) Brace, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001166. |
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R., 2015. “Design and Testing of an Enhanced-Elongation Telescoping Self-Centering Energy-Dissipative (T-SCED) Brace, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001109. |
Wiebe L., Christopoulos C., Tremblay R. and Leclerc M., 2013. “Mechanisms to limit higher mode effects in a controlled rocking steel frame. 1: Concept, modelling, and low-amplitude shake table testing”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(7), p. 1053–1068. |
Wiebe L., Christopoulos C., Tremblay R. and Leclerc M., 2013. “Mechanisms to limit higher mode effects in a controlled rocking steel frame. 2: Large-amplitude shake table testing”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(7), p. 1053–1068 1069–1086. |
Guo, W.W. and Christopoulos, C., 2012. “A Simplified Procedure for Generating Performance Spectra for Structures Equipped with Passive Supplemental Dampers”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(9), p. 1321–1338, 25. |
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C. and Tremblay, R., 2013. “Shake Table Testing of a Three-Story Self-Centering Energy Dissipative (SCED) Braced Frame” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(11), p. 1617–1635. |
Gray, M., Christopoulos, C. and Packer, J., 2014. “Cast Steel Yielding Brace System (YBS) for Concentrically Braced Frames: Concept Development and Experimental Validations”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 140(4), 04013095. |
Kyriakopoulos, N. and Christopoulos, C., 2013. “Seismic Assessment and Upgrade of Type 2 Steel MRFs Built In Canada Between the 1960s and 1980s Using Passive Supplemental Damping”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(7), p. 644-654. |
Christopoulos, C. and Montgomery, M., 2013. “Viscoelastic Coupling Dampers (VCDs) for Enhanced Wind and Seismic Performance of High-Rise Buildings”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 42(15), p. 2217–2233. |
Christopoulos C. and Filiatrault, A., Principles of Supplemental Damping and Seismic Isolation, IUSS Press, Milan, Italy, 2006, 500 p. (Book) |
Filiatrault, A., Tremblay, R., Christopoulos, C., Folz, B. and Pettinga, D., Elements of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Third Edition, Polytechnic International Press, 2013, 900 p. (Book) |
Gray, M., Christopoulos, C. and Packer, J., 2013. “Cast Steel Yielding Brace System (YBS) for Concentrically Braced Frames: Concept Development and Experimental Validations, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, (under review). |
Guo, W.W. and Christopoulos, C., 2012. “Performance-Spectra Based Method for the Seismic Design of Structures Equipped with Passive Supplemental Damping Systems”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, (in press). |
Guo, W.W. and Christopoulos, C., 2012. “A Simplified Procedure for Generating Performance Spectra for Structures Equipped with Passive Supplemental Dampers”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, (in press). |
Kyriakopoulos, N. and Christopoulos, C., 2012. “Seismic Assessment and Upgrade of Type 2 Steel MRFs Built In Canada Between the 1960s and 1980s Using Passive Supplemental Damping”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, (under review). |
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C. and Tremblay, R., 2012. “Shake Table Testing of a Three-Story Self-Centering Energy Dissipative (SCED) Braced Frame,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, (in press). |
Wiebe L., Christopoulos C., Tremblay R. and Leclerc M., 2012. “Mechanisms to Limit Higher Mode Effects in a Controlled Rocking Steel Frame”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, (in press). |
Wiebe L., Christopoulos C., Tremblay R. and Leclerc M., 2012. “Large-Amplitude Shake Table Testing of Higher Mode Controlled Rocking Steel Frame”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, (in press). |
Areemit, N., Montgomery, M., Christopoulos, C. and Hasan, A., 2012. “Experimental Identification of the Dynamic Properties of a Coupled Shear Wall Residential High-Rise Building in Toronto”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 39(6), pp. 631-642. |
Sagbas, G., Vecchio, F.J. and Christopoulos, C., 2011. “Computational Modeling of the Seismic Performance of Beam-Column Subassemblies”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 15 (4), pp. 640-663. |
Wiebe, L. and Christopoulos, C., 2010. “Using Bézier Curves to Model Gradual Stiffness Transitions in Nonlinear Elements: Application to Self-Centering Systems”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 40 (14), pp. 1535–1552. |
Shen, Y., Christopoulos, C., Mansour, N. and Tremblay, R., 2011. “Seismic Design and Performance of Steel Moment Resisting Frames with Nonlinear Replaceable Links”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 137(10), pp. 202-214. |
Mansour, N., Christopoulos, C. and Tremblay, R., 2011. “Experimental Validation of Replaceable Shear Links for Eccentrically Braced Steel Frames”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 137(10), pp. 1141-1153. |
Herion, S., de Oliveira, J.C., Packer, J.A., Christopoulos, C. and Gray, M.G., 2010. “Castings in Tubular Structures – State-of-the-Art”, Structures and Buildings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 163, Issue SB6, pp. 403–415. |
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R. and Choi, H., 2010. “Residual Drift Response of SMRFs and BRB Frames in Steel Buildings Designed According to ASCE7-05”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 137(5), pp. 589-600. |
Nuta, E., Christopoulos, C. and Packer, J.A., 2010. “Methodology for Seismic Risk Assessment for Tubular Steel Wind Turbine Towers: Application to Canadian Seismic Environment”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 38(3), pp. 293-304. |
**** Winner of 2012 - Sir Casimir Gzowski Medal **** Wiebe, L. and Christopoulos, C., 2010. “Characterizing Acceleration Spikes due to Stiffness Changes in Nonlinear Systems”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 39 (14), pp. 1653–1670. |
Uma, S. R., Pampanin, S. and Christopoulos, C., 2010.” Development of Probabilistic Framework for Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of Structures Considering Residual Deformations”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 14(7), pp. 1092-1111. |
Wiebe, L. and Christopoulos, C., 2009. “Mitigation of Higher Mode Effects in Base- Rocking Systems by Using Multiple Rocking Sections”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 13(S1), pp. 83-108. |
Kim, H.-J. and Christopoulos, C., 2009. “Numerical Modeling and Ductile Ultimate Deformation Response of Post-Tensioned Self-Centering Moment-Resisting Steel Frames”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 38(1), pp. 1-21. |
Kim, H.-J. and Christopoulos, C., 2009. “Seismic Design Procedure and Seismic Response of Self-Centering Post-Tensioned Steel Moment-Resisting Frames”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 38(3), pp. 355-376. |
Martinez-Saucedo, G., Packer, J.A. and Christopoulos, C., 2008. “Gusset Plate Connections to Circular Hollow Section Braces under Inelastic Cyclic Loading”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 134(7), pp. 1252-1258. |
Kim, H.-J. and Christopoulos, C., 2008. “Friction Damped Post-Tensioned Self- Centering Steel Moment Resisting Frames”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 134(11), pp. 1768-1779. de Oliveira, C., Packer, J.A. and Christopoulos, C., 2008. “Cast Steel Connectors for CHS Brace Members in Seismic Applications”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 134(3), pp. 374-383. |
Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R., Kim, H.-J. and Lacerte, M., 2008. “The Self-Centering Energy Dissipative (SCED) Bracing System for the Seismic Resistance of Structures”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 134(1), pp. 96-107. |
Tremblay, R., Lacerte, M. and Christopoulos, C., 2008. “Seismic Response of Multi- Storey Buildings with Self-Centering Energy Dissipative Steel Braces”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 134(1), pp. 108-120. |
Pettinga, D., Christopoulos, C., Pampanin, S. and Priestley, M.J.N., 2007. “Effectiveness of Simple Approaches in Mitigating Residual Deformations in Buildings”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 36, No. 12, pp. 1763-1783. |
Pettinga, D., Pampanin, S., Christopoulos, C. and Priestley, M.J.N., 2006. “The Role of Inelastic Torsion in the Determination of Residual Deformations”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 133-157. |
Pampanin, S., Christopoulos, C. and Chen, T.-H., 2006. “Development and Validation of a Metallic Haunch Seismic Retrofit Solution for Existing Under-Designed RC Frames”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 35, No. 14, pp. 1739-1766. |
Christopoulos, C., Lopez Garcia, D. and Tsai, K.C., 2005. “Educational Reconnaissance of the Area Affected by the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Three Years Later”, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 20, No.1, pp. 1-22. |
Christopoulos, C., 2004. “Frequency-Response of Flag-Shaped SDOF Hysteretic Systems”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 130, No. 8, pp. 894-903. A14. |
Christopoulos, C. and Pampanin, S., 2004. “Towards Performance-Based Design of MDOF Structures with Explicit Consideration of Residual Deformations”, ISET’s Journal of Earthquake Technology, Vol. 41, No.1, pp. 172-193. |
Christopoulos, C., Léger P. and Filiatrault, A., 2003. “Seismic Sliding Response Analysis of Gravity Dams Including Vertical Accelerations”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 189-200. |
Christopoulos, C., Pampanin, S. and Priestley, M.J.N., 2003. “New Damage Index for Framed Systems Based on Residual Deformations: Part I – SDOF Systems”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 97-118. |
Pampanin, S., Christopoulos, C. and Priestley, M.J.N., 2003. “New Damage Index for Framed Systems Based on Residual Deformations: Part II – MDOF Systems”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.119-140. |
Christopoulos, C., Filiatrault, A. and Folz, B., 2002. “Seismic Response of Self-Centering Hysteretic SDOF Systems”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 31, pp. 1131-1150 |
Christopoulos, C., Filiatrault, A., Uang, C.-M. and Folz, B., 2002. “Post-Tensioned Energy Dissipating Connections for Moment Resisting Steel Frames”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 9, pp. 1111-1120. |