Awards & Recognition

presentation of the Donald Tong Graduate Scholarship at the DIALOG offices in Toronto on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Hosted by DIALOG’s Daria Khachi (Partner, Structural Engineer), Jordyn Tripp (CivE MASc 2T0), the event saw Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou (Chair, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering) and several CivMin faculty members attend to celebrate the scholarship for winner Sam Richardson. Jane Tong, daughter of the late Donald, attended as well. (Photo by Phill Snel, CivMin/University of Toronto)

Sam Richardson receives 2024 DIALOG scholarship

Professor Jason Hawkins (CivE PhD 1T1) of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering.

Eric Pas Dissertation Prize awarded to CivMin alumnus Jason Hawkins (CivE PhD 1T1)

Barry Hitchcock (CivE 5T8, L), Robert James (CivE 5T8) and Andrew Wong (CivE 9T1).

Three CivMin alumni receive Arbor Awards

CivMin PhD candidate Mei Li secures a second place at competition

CivMin MASc candidate Yazan Zamel wins 2023 Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25

Purolator e-tricycle July 2023 IMG_5316

Purolator Urban Quick Stop at U of T wins the 2023 ITE Toronto Project of the Year Award

Raymond Bhushan

Raymond Bhushan (Year 3, MinE) awarded Okane Consultants Sustainable Mining Scholarship

Mather award photo-crop

CivMin MASc candidate Sandy Chen wins Scholarship

Lisa Guseva (Year 4 CivE)

Lisa Guseva (Year 4 CivE) wins TAC Foundation Scholarship


PhD candidate Kareem Aboayanah awarded International Geomechanics Symposium 2023 Best Student Paper


PhD candidate Amir Javaid awarded CARMA 2023 Best Paper

headshot of Dr. Carlos Rivera-Gonzalez

Dr. Carlos Rivera-Gonzalez awarded the prestigious Lee Schipper Scholarship Award