Alumni News


Connecting with: Loui Pappas


Connecting with: Mike Buckley


In time for Mother’s Day: Alumnus publishes children’s book

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Civ PhD alumna self-publishes infrastructure book for all ages with environmental message

Headshot_Nicole_Doucette_by Cathal Phelan

Profile: Nicole Doucette (MinE 1T4 + PEY)

MapinHood is a new navigation app designed to take account of issues that affect pedestrians — from sidewalk construction to low-hanging branches — especially those that affect people with low vision. (Image courtesy iMerciv)

This U of T startup aims to make the world more navigable for pedestrians

Olubanjo says the idea of helping and giving back has always been central to his entrepreneurial outlook (photo by Rahul Kalvapalle)

CivMin entrepreneur creates his own job post-graduation: Delivering clean, affordable energy to Nigeria


SPOTLIGHT ON ALUMNI: Barry Hitchcock (Civ 5T8)

VISITING ALUMNAE (ALUMNI) -- Joyee Pu (Min 1T4 + PEY), Senior Operations Anyalyst at Imperial Oil (blue shirt) and Karsmina Kam (Min 0T8), Miner Performance Team Lead at Imperial Oil (in pattern shirt) at the University of Toronto campus on Thursday, September 12, 2019. The duo visited the St George Campus to provide a meet and greet with students on behalf of Imperial Oil/Kearl Oilsands. The company is looking for co-op and full-time employees from within the undergraduate and graduate engineers.
PHOTO: Phill Snel, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering/ U of T

Alumnae from the west

These prosthetic devices to improve mobility were created using 3D PrintAbility, an end-to-end fabrication toolchain developed by not-for-profit social enterprise Nia Technologies. (Photo courtesy Nia Technologies)

How 3D printing has sped up prosthetic development for people around the world

Professor Murray Metcalfe (MIE, second from left) was among the EESC-A team members at a recent conference on strategies for low-carbon growth and sustainable energy use in Dar es Salaam. The event was held at the Bank of Tanzania Conference Centre and was co-hosted by the International Growth Centre (IGC), Ardhi University, and U of T Engineering’s EESC-A project. (Photo: Victor Faustine)

A global approach to sustainable cities engineering

Jenny Hill (CivE PhD 1T6) advises everyone from landscape architects, to professional civil engineers, to condominium developers, on how to put more water back into the ground and the air. (Photo credit: Yuestas David )

Going with the flow: Alumna Jenny Hill aims to improve stormwater management in Toronto and beyond