Alumni News Connecting with: Loui Pappas By Phill Snel | July 21, 2020 Connecting with: Mike Buckley By Phill Snel | June 16, 2020 In time for Mother’s Day: Alumnus publishes children’s book By Phill Snel | May 6, 2020 Civ PhD alumna self-publishes infrastructure book for all ages with environmental message By Phill Snel | December 16, 2019 Profile: Nicole Doucette (MinE 1T4 + PEY) By Phill Snel | November 27, 2019 This U of T startup aims to make the world more navigable for pedestrians By Phill Snel | November 13, 2019 CivMin entrepreneur creates his own job post-graduation: Delivering clean, affordable energy to Nigeria By Phill Snel | October 30, 2019 SPOTLIGHT ON ALUMNI: Barry Hitchcock (Civ 5T8) By Phill Snel | October 23, 2019 Alumnae from the west By Phill Snel | September 26, 2019 How 3D printing has sped up prosthetic development for people around the world By Keenan Dixon | March 28, 2019 A global approach to sustainable cities engineering By Keenan Dixon | March 28, 2019 Going with the flow: Alumna Jenny Hill aims to improve stormwater management in Toronto and beyond By Keenan Dixon | March 20, 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Load More