The top of the MSG Sphere is lifted into place in Las Vegas. The Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. project, including collaboration with Cast Connex, is the world's largest sphere. (Courtesy Cast Connex)

Alumni-founded Cast Connex collaborates to build world’s largest sphere

Prof. Jeffrey Siegel 
(Photo by Daria Perevezentsev)

CivMin’s Prof. Siegel part of Round 1 GESeed Funded Project


CivMin students attend Pierre Lassonde in-person event

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Special in-person reunion for Class of 5T8

Purolator mini-hub

Farvolden presents deputation to City of Toronto about On-Street Logistics Mini-hub Pilot on St. George Street

Adam Hasham (MEngCEM candidate)

Add ‘political campaign manager’ to this MEngCEM’s repertoire

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Sensors installed all across Toronto to study summer heat


Prof. Ogunsanya elected as MetSoc Emerging Professional

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CivE PhD candidate wins two CIM awards

Hannah Schell, P.Eng., a sessional instructor for CivMin. (Photo via CCIL)

Hannah Schell receives Leadership Award from CCIL

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA; MAY 2, 2022 — LIBRARY REFRESH — A photo from the Engineering and Computer Science Library (ECSL) in the Sandford Fleming Building at the University of Toronto on May 2, 2022. (Photo by Phill Snel)

Library refresh benefits Engineering students’ diverse needs