A group photo of the University of Toronto team at last year's 2020 Canadian Mining Games competition in Halifax, NS.

U of T fourth at Canadian Mining Games

 study by U of T Engineering researchers found Toronto's temporary cycling infrastructure increased low-stress road access to jobs and food stores by between 10 and 20 per cent, and access to parks by 6.3 per cent (photo by Dylan Passmore)

Toronto’s COVID-19 bike lane expansion boosted access to jobs, retail: U of T study


The UrbanScanner Project: Mobile monitoring of air pollution in cities

Prof. Jeffrey Packer, now sporting a beard during our stay-at-home time.

CivMin’s Prof. Packer to receive Lifetime Achievement Award from AISC

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Three CivMin students receive a University of Toronto Student Leadership Award


Surveying Survey Camp: The Repairs, Renovations and Expansion of Gull Lake

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Toronto’s first-ever Black student-run hackathon returns for third year, going virtual and global

CivMin professors and students honoured by CSCE (top L clockwise): Prof. Khander Habib, Prof. Doug Hooton, Prof. Jeffrey Packer with students x and y, and Prof. Frank Vecchio.

CivMin faculty and students garner CSCE recognition


CivMin’s Prof. Saxe an Innovation at Interfaces award winner

Office Inside

New engineering firm loaded with alumni is thriving during pandemic


CivE MEng alum receives recognition as problem-solving entrepreneur providing impact


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