Jeff Chen boat ADJ - SQ

Top U of T undergraduate Jeff Chen fell in love with the process of learning

Charles and Grant

CivMin Grads to Watch 2024

Emily Farrar SQ 4L8A0099

Growing beef fat in the lab: Biotech startup for CivMin’s Emily Farrar 

TORONTO: JUNE 11, 2024 — MOBILITY NETWORK 5MT WINNERS — A photo of CivMin graduate students who were presented awards for their Five-Minute Thesis Presentations by the Mobility Network at a ceremony on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. 
In full group photo (L to R): Alex Ariza (EngSci 0T9, CivE MASc 1T1), Mwendwa Kiko (PhD student - first place award), Farah Ghizzawi (PhD student - second place), Weaam Jaafar (PhD student - third place) 
and Professor Eric Miller (Director, Mobility Network). (Photo by Phill Snel, CivMin/University of Toronto)

Winners of the 2024 Mobility Network 5MT Competition

CLUE winners- Farah & Sara copy-SQ

CivMin grad students win at the third annual symposium for City Logistics for the Urban Economy

Bhabishya Khaniya-GRITLab-Med-SQ

CivMin PhD student Bhabishya Khaniya awarded Vanier Scholarship

Jeff Chen

CivMin student Jeff Chen achieves highest marks in Engineering and all of U of T

TORONTO: MAY 7, 2024 — CIV 5T8 ALUM — A photo of alumnus Robert James, Class of Civ 5T8, with his Arbor Award on Friday, May 24, 2024. James also displayed his original Iron Ring. The Arbor Award was announced at a ceremony in January 2024, but James was unable to attend. Instead, the framed certificate and pin was delivered to him by Phill and Barry Hitchcock. (Photo by Phill Snel, CivMin/University of Toronto)

Arbor Award belatedly received by 5T8’s Robert James

Sunday-30 Charlie Ellinas - SQ2

Spiking success: Charlie Ellinas (Year 3 MinE), a beach volleyball player, balances academia and sports

Kosztowniak brothers - enhanced -SQ IMG_6161

CivMin’s baseball brothers

U of T Engineering remains Canada’s top-ranked engineering school. (photo by Daria Perevezentsev)

U of T Engineering places in global top 20; 10th place in mineral and mining engineering

CivMin faculty & staff award winners 2024 copy

CivMin faculty and staff recognized with awards