
Bridge and safety advice from alumnus Brian Gray


Majed Karam, CivE MASc 2T0, wins ACI 123 Poster Award

Convocation sq

Congratulations CivMin Fall 2020 grads!


CivMin well represented at COVID-19 transportation challenges and solutions student competition


Class of 5T8 holds online reunion

Dean Christopher Yip met virtually with undergraduate students in time zones around the world during the first-ever Dean's World Tour on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020.

Dean’s World Tour: Checking in with U of T Engineering students across the globe

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New chair of RCCAO has strong CivMin ties

A composite image of award recipients

Alumnus Bin Liu (CivE 1T4) among eleven honoured with 2020 Engineering Alumni Network Awards

A new set of research collaborations will look at innovative ways to improve the movement of goods across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. (Photo: Markus Spiske via Unsplash)

Smart Freight Centre launches new research collaborations on safer, cleaner and more efficient transport of goods in the GTHA

UCheck, the university’s self-assessment portal, is an easy and secure way to complete a COVID-19 symptom screening, which is now required each day before visiting one of U of T's three campuses (photo by FreshSplash via Getty Images)

U of T requires COVID-19 self-assessments before visiting campus


Meet Navi: Your U of T mental health wayfinder


U of T’s self-assessment web portal: UCheck