Alumni well represented at CivMin Career Fair By Phill Snel | January 10, 2020 Introducing Sebastian Goodfellow, CivMin’s newest faculty member By Phill Snel | January 6, 2020 CivMin students Alaa Itani and Junshi Xu among DiDi Graduate Awards By Phill Snel | January 6, 2020 Civ PhD alumna self-publishes infrastructure book for all ages with environmental message By Phill Snel | December 16, 2019 MEET: Engineers Without Borders, U of T Chapter Co-Presidents By Phill Snel | December 16, 2019 MEET: Concrete Canoe Co-Project Managers By Phill Snel | December 13, 2019 MEET: Concrete Toboggan Team Co-Captains By Phill Snel | December 9, 2019 From between a rock and a hard place (for women) to an equitable and more profitable place for all: Why gender diversity in mining is vital to the strength and future of the industry By Phill Snel | December 3, 2019 Profile: Nicole Doucette (MinE 1T4 + PEY) By Phill Snel | November 27, 2019 U of T Engineering recognizes four longstanding industry partners at fourth annual Partners’ Reception By Phill Snel | November 15, 2019 National Champion: Lucia Stafford Strikes Gold in Kingston By Phill Snel | November 13, 2019 This U of T startup aims to make the world more navigable for pedestrians By Phill Snel | November 13, 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Load More