Anca Ferche (CivE PhD 2T0) at her home office where she took the Department's first all-digital Final Oral Exam (FOE) on March 26, 2020.

A first for CivMin: All-video PhD FOE

A composite image of (clockwise from top left) Professors Evan Bentz, Jennifer Drake, Marianne Touchie, Karl Peterson, David Taylor and Doug Hooton.

CivMin profs online: A new digital world

Prof. Doug Hooton

Prof. Doug Hooton awarded Fellow of the Society with CSCE

A file photo of Prof. Jeffrey Siegel with an air filter.

Air filtration and COVID-19: Indoor air quality expert explains how to keep you and your building safe


CivMin’s Lucia Stafford named OUA athlete of the week

IRON RING RECEPTION 2020 -- A photo from the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering Iron Ring reception held at the Polish Hall on Saturday, March 7, 2020.  
PHOTO: Phill Snel, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering/ U of T

Iron Ring: Symbol of an engineer

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Civil engineering team wins Troitsky Bridge Building Competition


Concrete Toboggan CHAMPIONS!


CivMin’s Lucia Stafford breaks Canadian U23 1500m record

Andrew Young (CivE MASc candidate), at right, receives from Dialog the 2019-2020 Donald Tong Graduate Scholarship in Structural Engineering at a ceremony in Toronto on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. In the photo with Young are (L to R): Daria Khachi, Principal at Dialog; Sui Wa Chan (Aster), wife of Donald Tong; Jane Tong, daughter of Donald Tong;
and Cameron Ritchie, Associate at Dialog. The scholarship was established in partnership with the University of Toronto to strengthen an already great relationship between DIALOG’s structural engineering team and the University’s engineering students and faculty. 

Andrew Young is Donald Tong Scholarship winner

Allan Kuan (BASc EngSci 1T4 + PEY, CivE PhD candidate) has been awarded the Teaching Assistant Award from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (FASE). Photo: Tracy Zhang

CivE PhD candidate wins TA award from FASE

Myron Chiyun Zhong, a CivE PhD candidate, holds the award for the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center's Blind Prediction Contest after a ceremony at the University of California, Berkeley the evening of Thursday, January 16 2020. Zhang, along with supervisor Prof. Constantin Christopoulos, submitted the most accurate prediction for an earthquake model based on shake table results. PHOTO: Courtesy Myron Chiyun Zhong

CivMin PhD student wins international earthquake competition