Recent News

CHarhay at 75 The Esplanade Condo, June 25, 2020

Connecting with: Chris Harhay

CivMin winners of COVID-19 Student Engagement Awards

CivMin Convocation Congratulations Still

Congratulations Class of 2T0 and 1T9+PEY

In busy areas where maintaining a two-metre distance from others isn’t possible, or is challenging, the university will assess and install protective measures such as Plexiglass barriers and sneeze guards (photo by Johnny Guatto)

Six ways U of T plans to keep students, faculty and staff safe on campus this fall


Connecting with: Mike Buckley

CivMin's Professor Baher Abdulhai

Five U of T engineers elected into the Canadian Academy of Engineering

Joe Tiernay plays guitar by his garage as his Kick Kovid to the Kurb Koncert. (Photo courtesy Joe Tiernay)

Connecting with: Joe Tiernay

Prof. Marianne Hatopoulou

Modelling the health benefits of electric cars


CivMin Grads to Watch 2020

Northern Light Solutions team at their energy audit at Orde Street Public School.

Amid a pandemic, U of T Engineering Design Team pushes ahead on energy retrofit project

Four profs_CSCE_SQUARE

CivMin professors and students honoured with industry awards

U of T Engineering Academy is a new self-paced, optional and not-for-credit program that is free to all incoming first-year students. (Photo illustration credit: Unsplash and Kyle Coulter)

New U of T Engineering Academy prepares incoming students to excel in first year