Recent News

A crosswalk in Santiago, Chile (photo Mauro Mora via Unsplash)

U of T’s School of Cities to take urban research and collaboration to new heights


Congratulations to all of our graduates!

Plunge Brent (2)

Brent takes a plunge (several times)!

Jennifer Drake

Professor Jennifer Drake wins 2018 OPEA Engineering Medal for Young Engineers

CivE PhD Candidate Pedram Mortazavi was one of just five recipients from more than 550 nominated teaching assistants from across the University of Toronto. (Photo: Keenan Dixon)

Pedram Mortazavi wins 2018 TA Teaching Excellence Award


Framing the Naming: Why it matters we are now the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering


U of T Engineering celebrates student leadership at 2018 Cressy Awards


U of T CECA/NECA Competes in the 2018 Green Energy Challenge

You can see the internal working on the Twin Suites as they arrive on campus

Modular labs installed on U of T Engineering rooftop enable leading building science research

Technology enhanced active learning (TEAL) spaces feature prominently in the design of the CEIE. The TEAL Fellows program aims to support instructors as they reimagine their course materials to leverage these new spaces. (Photo: Roberta Baker)

TEAL Fellows: Redesigning the classroom experience

Left to right: Sina Bahrami (CivE PhD candidate), Mehdi Nourinejad (CivE PhD 1T7) and Professor Matthew Roorda (CivE) designed an algorithm to optimize the design of parking lots for autonomous vehicles, increasing their capacity by an average of 62 per cent. (Photo: Roberta Baker)

How self-driving cars could shrink parking lots

Premier Kathleen Wynne with members of U of T Engineering’s Blue Sky Solar Racing team. (Photo: Roberta Baker)

Kathleen Wynne visits U of T Engineering to talk diversity in STEM