Recent News

Picture of Kent Straky.

Meet your 2022-23 Civ Club Chair Kent Straky

Picture of Mary Daka.

Engineering access to health care and a more inclusive society  

Alec Gilvesy is your MinClub Chair for 2022-23.

Meet your 2022-23 Min Club Chair Alec Gilvesy

Ivan Damnjanovic 2

Bridging data science with traditional engineering

leather jacket-sqjpg

Student profile: Hannah Hermanson (CivE Year 3)

Alex Leonard picture full res

Engineering Alum helping Ontario grow sustainably


Bridging communities in Bolivia


Yaniv Samson is 2022 Donald Tong Scholarship Recipient

Photo composite of ECG readout over image from pediatric ICU at SickKids. (Courtesy Laussen Labs)

CivMin’s Prof. Goodfellow on team awarded massive CIHR grant


CivMin’s Bo Zhao shares Best Architecture Award at 2022 Seismic Design Competition

The top of the MSG Sphere is lifted into place in Las Vegas. The Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. project, including collaboration with Cast Connex, is the world's largest sphere. (Courtesy Cast Connex)

Alumni-founded Cast Connex collaborates to build world’s largest sphere

Picture of John Kabanda.

Can hemp and mushrooms make the construction industry greener?