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Alumnus Arun Channan’s (CivE 8T0) background in civil engineering influenced him to become a dedicated volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. (Courtesy: Arun Channan)

Arun Channan: hands-on with Habitat for Humanity

Professor Giovanni Grasselli, left, with FCMG President Duke Anderson in October 2015. (Courtesy: FCMG)

Advanced imaging techniques let U of T Engineers see inside rock

Undergraduate students Eric Elmoznino, Liam MacKichan and Ernesto Díaz Lozano Patiño were honoured by alumni for their leadership and commitment to the U of T Engineering community and beyond. (Photo: George Hatiras)

Classes of the past celebrate outstanding undergrads of today


Six engineering innovations get a boost from NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants

Hana Zalzal

Hana Zalzal: Professional makeup maven

Jeffrey Siegel

The link between air quality and human health


Seven U of Tengineers awarded Canada Research Chairs

Passing of the torch: Former University of Toronto Engineering Society (EngSoc) president Teresa Nguyen and current EngSoc president Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patiño. (Photos: EngSoc)

Engineering Society presidents reflect on Skule™ culture

Recipe for success: coffee, and advice from Joseph Orozco, entrepreneur and executive director of The Entrepreneurship Hatchery (right). Twenty-three student teams worked to turn ideas into viable business plans at Hatchery Accelerator Weekend, Jan. 22 and 23 at the University of Toronto. (credit: Cherry Fan).

Parking app takes home top prize at Hatchery Accelerator competition

Running veteran Sasha Gollish is pursuing a PhD aimed at advancing engineering education with lessons from the track. (Photo: Leigh Tynan)

Sasha Gollish teaches alumni a lesson in persevering on and off the track

Randy Sinukoff, a Senior Associate at Stantec Consulting Ltd., teaching his graduate level course, CHE1431H Environmental Auditing. (Photo by Tyler Irving)

Three industry professionals leading U of T Engineering courses


Q & A with U of T Engineering’s newest professor: Lesley Warren