Recent News

Allan Kuan (BASc EngSci 1T4 + PEY, CivE PhD candidate) has been awarded the Teaching Assistant Award from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (FASE). Photo: Tracy Zhang

CivE PhD candidate wins TA award from FASE

Myron Chiyun Zhong, a CivE PhD candidate, holds the award for the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center's Blind Prediction Contest after a ceremony at the University of California, Berkeley the evening of Thursday, January 16 2020. Zhang, along with supervisor Prof. Constantin Christopoulos, submitted the most accurate prediction for an earthquake model based on shake table results. PHOTO: Courtesy Myron Chiyun Zhong

CivMin PhD student wins international earthquake competition

TORONTO: JANUARY 9, 2020 -- CIVMIN CAREER FAIR 2020-- A photo from the CivMin Career Fair 2020 in the Myhal Centre's Fifth Floor Atrium at the University of Toronto on Thursday, January 9, 2020. In all, 26 exhibitors were represented at the event.

PHOTO: Phill Snel, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering/ U of T

Alumni well represented at CivMin Career Fair


Introducing Sebastian Goodfellow, CivMin’s newest faculty member

Nine of the inaugural winners of the DiDi Graduate Awards pose with DiDi representatives. L-R: Hao Wang, Dengbo He, Nicole Barbosa Sultanum, Bilal Majed Taha, Tracy Li (Senior Research Program Manager, DiDi), Hongtu Zhu (Chief Scientist of Statistics in AI Labs, DiDi), Danijar Hafner, Shangyi Xiong, Nazli Eser Kaya, Alaa Itani, and Junshi Xu (photo: Daria Perevezentsev)

CivMin students Alaa Itani and Junshi Xu among DiDi Graduate Awards

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Civ PhD alumna self-publishes infrastructure book for all ages with environmental message

ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS - U of T co-Presidents: Jacqueline Fleisig and Molly McGrail.

MEET: Engineers Without Borders, U of T Chapter Co-Presidents

TORONTO: NOVEMBER 15, 2019 -- CONCRETE CANOE TEAM -- A photo of L to R: Natasha Valenton (Mech fourth year) and Ashley An (Civ third year) at the University of Toronto on Friday, November 15, 2019.The two are Co-Project Managers for the U of T Concrete Canoe Club. 
PHOTO: Phill Snel, Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering/ U of T

MEET: Concrete Canoe Co-Project Managers


MEET: Concrete Toboggan Team Co-Captains


From between a rock and a hard place (for women) to an equitable and more profitable place for all: Why gender diversity in mining is vital to the strength and future of the industry

Headshot_Nicole_Doucette_by Cathal Phelan

Profile: Nicole Doucette (MinE 1T4 + PEY)

From left to right: Darin Graham, LG Toronto AI Lab, Summer Xia, Drone Delivery Canada, Stas Dogel, Hitachi High-Technologies Canada, and Jamey Adams, City of Barrie. (Photo: Paul Terefenko)

U of T Engineering recognizes four longstanding industry partners at fourth annual Partners’ Reception