Recent News

Second-year civil engineering student Oskar Rudolf Emanuel Andersson, who hails from Sweden, chose U of T for its reputation. (Photo courtesy of Oskar Rudolf Emanuel Andersson)

‘A different kind of family’: Three international students on why they chose U of T Engineering

A view of the redesigned front of U of T Engineering’s Galbraith Building, looking north on St. George Street. (Courtesy: gh3*)

Landscaping project revitalizes Galbraith entrance as gathering place

Professor Jennifer Drake (CivMin) received the Young Engineer Achievement Award, which recognizes an engineer under 36 years of age for outstanding contributions. (Photo credit: Tyler Irving)

CivMin professor, and alumna receive Engineers Canada Awards

These prosthetic devices to improve mobility were created using 3D PrintAbility, an end-to-end fabrication toolchain developed by not-for-profit social enterprise Nia Technologies. (Photo courtesy Nia Technologies)

How 3D printing has sped up prosthetic development for people around the world

Professor Murray Metcalfe (MIE, second from left) was among the EESC-A team members at a recent conference on strategies for low-carbon growth and sustainable energy use in Dar es Salaam. The event was held at the Bank of Tanzania Conference Centre and was co-hosted by the International Growth Centre (IGC), Ardhi University, and U of T Engineering’s EESC-A project. (Photo: Victor Faustine)

A global approach to sustainable cities engineering

Jenny Hill (CivE PhD 1T6) advises everyone from landscape architects, to professional civil engineers, to condominium developers, on how to put more water back into the ground and the air. (Photo credit: Yuestas David )

Going with the flow: Alumna Jenny Hill aims to improve stormwater management in Toronto and beyond

Assistant Professor David Taylor with a segment of pipe, related to his research on water distribution networks.

Q & A with U of T Engineering’s newest professor: David Taylor

Winning Lassonde Mineral Engineering Team (Zawwar Ahmed (MinE Year 3), Dalton Veintimilla (MinE Year 4), Ice Peerawattuk (MinE Year 4) and Jihad Raya (MinE PEY)) with Candace MacGibbon, CEO of INV Metals (at centre).

Lassonde Mineral Engineering Students take gold – 4 oz of gold


U of T Students are connecting communities around the world, one bridge at a time


This hidden U of T rooftop farm helps feed the hungry—and could impact how cities eat

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) U of T Chapter receives Chapter of the Month honours for September at the NSBE Fall Region 1 Conference. From left: Rukayat Balogun, NSBE Region 1 Chair; Mikhail Burke, Dean’s Advisor on Black Inclusivity Initiatives and Student Inclusion & Transition Mentor; Shane Arnold (CivMin MEng); Portia Deterville (ChemE Year 4 + PEY), NSBE East Canada Zone Chair and Joy Aso, Membership Chairperson for NSBE Region 1. (Photo courtesy of Mikhail Burke)

NSBE Fall Regional Conference builds new pathways for Black engineering grad students at U of T


Early-career professorships accelerate innovation in engineering education and research