Baher Abdulhai
ProfessorTraffic Management: Intelligent transportation systems/emerging technologies in transportation

Robert Andrews
ProfessorDrinking Water: Optimization in drinking water treatment processes/water quality in distribution systems

Susan Andrews
ProfessorDrinking Water: Water quality and chemistry in water treatment processes

Fae Azhari
Assistant ProfessorStructural Health Monitoring: Sensor development/intelligent structures and systems

Mohammed Basheer
Assistant ProfessorWater Resources and Hydrology: Hydropower planning and operations; water-energy-food nexus; coupled human-water systems.

Evan Bentz
ProfessorNumerical Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Behaviour: Technology transfer applications for research on shear and torsion

Constantin Christopoulos
ProfessorCritical Resilience: Development of self-centering seismic resistant systems

Tamer El-Diraby
ProfessorConstruction Project Management: Informatics and knowledge management (socio-semantic analytics)

Kamran Esmaeili
ProfessorMine to Mill Process Optimization: Development of smart modeling solutions for the mining industry

Paul Gauvreau
ProfessorBridge Design: Development of new bridge systems; efficient use of new materials, and emerging reinforcement materials in bridge design

Mason Ghafghazi
Associate ProfessorNumerical and Physical Modelling of Geotechnical Processes: Constitutive modelling of soils/behaviour of gravelly soils

Sebastian Goodfellow
Assistant Professor(Experimental) Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics / Bioinformatics: Applied seismology/ultrasonic and acoustic emission testing

Murray Grabinsky
Associate ProfessorMining and Geomechanics/Mining Engineering: Liquefaction of strong ground pond tailings mixed with binder (CPB)

Giovanni Grasselli
ProfessorHydraulic Fracturing/Rock Mechanics: Flow and transport in fractured porous media

John Hadjigeorgiou
ProfessorGround Support/Rock Mass Characterization: Behaviour of veined rock masses/surface mining

Sarah Haines
Assistant ProfessorBuilding Science: Indoor Environmental Quality

John Harrison
ProfessorMining Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Rock engineering

Marianne Hatzopoulou
ProfessorEnvironmental Analysis: Traffic-related air pollution/urban air quality; transportation engineering

Ron Hofmann
ProfessorDrinking Water Treatment Optimization: Disinfection and oxidation technologies

R. Douglas Hooton
Professor Emeritus
Hamed Ibrahim
Assistant ProfessorHydrological modeling and improving our understanding of the physical relations between the lower atmosphere and the earth’s surface

Bryan Karney
ProfessorSustainable Infrastructure: Design, analysis, operation and optimization of various water resource and energy systems

Daeho Kim
Assistant ProfessorConstruction Management: 3D reconstruction and digital twin of ongoing construction projects

Oh-Sung Kwon
ProfessorStructural Dynamics: Earthquake engineering; seismic soil-structure interaction

Seungjae Lee
Assistant ProfessorBuilding Science: Optimal design and operation of building energy systems; Applied AI technologies to realize Intelligent buildings

Heather MacLean
ProfessorSustainable Infrastructure: Systems analysis and life-cycle assessment; development of techno-economic methods incorporating uncertainty

Oya Mercan
ProfessorSeismic Resilience: Development of advanced simulation techniques to assess seismic activity of structures

David Meyer (né Taylor)
Assistant ProfessorHydraulics: Modelling of water distribution networks within global engineering context; examination/assessment of megacity infrastructure

Eric Miller
ProfessorIntegrated Land Use and Transport Modelling: Development and application of microsimulation modelling systems within large urban contexts

Bibhu Mohanty
Professor Emeritus
Khandker Nurul Habib
ProfessorIntegrated Land Use and Transport Modelling: Sustainable transportation and land use planning and evaluation of planning/policy options

Ibrahim Ogunsanya
Assistant ProfessorConcrete Structures: Durability and sustainability of materials and reinforced structures; electrochemistry and corrosion

Jeffrey Packer
ProfessorSteel Structures: Experimentation and analysis of behaviour and design of tubular steel structures

Daman Panesar
ProfessorConcrete Materials: Sustainability and durability of cement-based materials and structures

Elodie Passeport
Status OnlySurface and Groundwater: Methods for removal of traditional and emerging organic and inorganic contaminants from the environment

Karl Peterson
Associate ProfessorConcrete Materials: Microstructural analysis of concrete and other building materials

Daniel Posen
Associate ProfessorSustainable Infrastructure: System-scale environmental sustainability analysis

Aryan Rezaei Rad
Assistant ProfessorSustainable Structures (Timber): Structural systems design with sustainable materials; computational methods & digital technology design

Matthew J. Roorda
ProfessorFreight Management: Urban freight data analysis and modelling; freight optimization; passenger transportation analysis

Shoshanna Saxe
Associate ProfessorSustainable Infrastructure: Construction resource use and embodied greenhouse gases; travel behaviours and transit infrastructure

Amer Shalaby
ProfessorPublic Transportation Operations and Planning: Development of intelligent transportation systems

Shamim Sheikh
ProfessorSeismic Resilience: Behaviour and design of reinforced concrete structures; performance-based seismic design

Jeffrey Siegel
ProfessorIndoor Air Quality: Filtration forensics/filtration; signal processing & ventilation; microbiome, airborne particulate & nanoparticles

Brent Sleep
ProfessorGroundwater: Remediation of soil and groundwater contamination; computational methods for modelling environmental processes

Marianne Touchie
Associate ProfessorBuilding Science: Building energy performance; building environmental monitoring; building energy use and indoor environmental quality

Frank Vecchio
Professor Emeritus
Lesley Warren
ProfessorEnvironmental assessment and reclamation of water resources associated with mining practices; wastewater analysis and remediation
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